I have just started to come up with my idea for my first game. And i would like people to give feedback to my idea. I would prefer brutal honesty, as it would let me know better what is wrong.
I have finished coming up with two characters: The protagonist and the antagonist, though at this point i lack a name, sorry.
He is introverted, so he focuses on ideas and impressions
He is Sensing, so he focuses on concrete information gained from senses
He is Thinking, so he tends to base decisions on logic and objective analysis of cause and effect.
He is Perceptive, so he is more flexible and spontaneous. He is more probing with his activities.
This means he has ISTP personality
Avenging deaths of his family
Having his life stuck
-Internal Conflict
Should i tell my friends the truth?
-External conflict
Fighting the goons of the antagonist.
Sneaking, manipulating others,
Not strong in combat, can get discouraged and become incapable of doing anything.
-How he/she speaks
In a sly manipulative manner, while witty and sarcastic.
Who killed his parents?
He actually killed his parents
Vigilante who originally was bullied ruthlessly in school, he came home for even worse abuse by his father and mother. This caused him to become sneaky and manipulative. At the age of 17 he came across the antagonist who offered the protagonist money if he could slay the parents and then get to him through all his bodyguards. (The player doesn't know this, they will think that the antagonist killed his parents, and hes coming to kill the antagonist)
He is introverted, so he focuses on ideas and impressions
He is Intuitive, so he focuses more on the future, and looks for patterns and possibilities.
He is Thinking, so he tends to base decisions on logic and objective analysis of cause and effect.
He is Perceptive, so he is more flexible and spontaneous. He is more probing with his activities.
This means he has INTP personality type
Saving himself
-Internal Conflict
Do i end it all or do i fight on?
-External conflict
Working to fight a disease
Good Leader, Funny, and strong in battle, smart.
He is socially inexperienced and cannot lead any personal relations without chaos
-How he/she speaks
Proudly, happily, and seriously.
What caused him to do this?
He actually isn't near dead
He had become infected with a disease and needs to fight to stay alive, there exists medication to delay the effect, but he researches how to completely eliminate the disease by kidnapping people and testing on them.