3ds max texture map
thanks :)
is there anyway that using 3ds max, make a 3d model using different textures/materials and then create a texture map
Without knowing the exact workflow you used, I expect the answer is yes but you should give a more detailed description of what you want.
If you want to merge texture layers, you can export the textures and use a external editor like Photoshop to merge them.
If you want to merge your procedural textures, you can again export them and merge them or bake them into a single texture.
If you want the model to look like the render results then you will need to bake the render to a texture.
cutting the amount of textures used on a model from 10 to just 1?
This isn't recommended for 3d games, the model will look flat. For 3d you should look into normal maps.
If you intend to make a "AAA game" you will want at least:
Diffuse/Albedo map.
Normal Map.
Specular/Metallic map.
These are optional:
Shininess/Gloss map
Ambient occlusion map
Reflection map
Light/Emission map
Displace/Tessellation map
The names after "/" represents the physic based shading material counterparts, although these shaders could use either or both.
bassically im wondering if 3ds max has a tool to get a model with different textures and then export a texture map?
Like This?
It's a bit old but should still be good.