So I decided a few days ago that i would write my own implementation of A* since my earlier luck trying to add other peoples code and refactoring it to it'll work with my game failed all the time and only worked as time sinks.
I followed this guide here:
I am not really sure where the problems occur, but looking trough the open list it seems duplicates gets added even though i have a check that wouldn't enable that behavior. The algorithm just keeps going until i stop it, having thousands of Nodes in the lists from a 15 by 15 map. (The size is currently hardcoded)
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
struct Position{
Position(int x, int y){ this->x = x; this->y = y; }
int x, y;
class Node {
Node(Position pos) { this->pos = pos; }
Node* getParent() { return parent; };
void setParent(Node *parent) { this->parent = parent; }
Position getPosition(){ return pos; }
int getFcost(){ return g + h; }
int getGcost(){ return g; }
int getHcost(){ return g; }
void setGcost(int g) { this->g = g; }
void setHcost(int h) { this->h = h; }
bool operator < (Node& str){
return (f < str.getFcost());
Position pos;
int f = 0;
int g = 0;
int h = 0;
Node *parent;
class Pathfinding {
bool findPath(Position, Position, std::vector<std::vector<int>>);
std::vector<Node*> getPath(){ return path; }
//void checkNeighbours(Node*, Node*);
void addToClosed(Node* current){ closed.push_back(current); }
void addToOpen(Node* current) { open.push_back(current); }
void removeFromOpen(Node*) { open.erase(open.begin()); }
int calculateManhattanHeuristic(Position current, Position target) { return (10 * (std::abs(current.x - target.x) + std::abs(current.y - target.y))); }
Node* getCurrentPoint();
bool inClosedList(Node*);
bool inOpenList(Node*);
std::vector<Node*> open;
std::vector<Node*> closed;
std::vector<Node*> path;
#include "Pathfinding.h"
bool Pathfinding::inClosedList(Node *current)
bool inClosed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < closed.size(); i++) if ( == current) inClosed = true;
return inClosed;
bool Pathfinding::inOpenList(Node *current)
bool inOpen = false;
for (int i = 0; i < open.size(); i++) if ( == current) inOpen = true;
return inOpen;
Node* Pathfinding::getCurrentPoint(){
std::sort(open.begin(), open.end());
bool Pathfinding::findPath(Position startPos, Position targetPos, std::vector<std::vector<int>> map){
// Add starting and target position as Nodes.
// No check if it's blocked or if they are the same yet.
Node *start = new Node(startPos);
Node *target = new Node(targetPos);
// Add the start Node to the open list.
// Get the Node with the least F-score.
Node *current = getCurrentPoint();
// Removes the current node from the open list.
// Adds the current node to the closed list.
// Creates temp neighbour Node, initializes g-cost to 0., creates node to see if it's diagonal movement.
Node *neighbour;
int newGcost = 0;
bool corner;
// For every position in a 3x3 area, all neighbours plus current position..
for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++)
for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++)
// If it's the current position, skip.
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
// If the neighbour's position is outside the map, skip.
if (current->getPosition().x + x < 0 || current->getPosition().x + x > 14 || current->getPosition().y + y < 0 || current->getPosition().y + y > 14)
// If the neighbour's is not blocked..
if (>getPosition().x + x).at(current->getPosition().y + y) == 0)
// Check if diagonal.
if (x != 0 && y != -1 && y != 1) corner = true; else corner = false;
// Create neighbour at position.
neighbour = new Node(Position(current->getPosition().x + x, current->getPosition().y + y));
// If the neighbour is not in the closed list.
if (!inClosedList(neighbour))
// Add G-cost dependand on corner, diagonal from current position.
if (corner)
newGcost += 14 + current->getGcost();
else newGcost += 10;
// Add the G and H-cost. F-cost is calculated in the Node-class, getFcost().
neighbour->setHcost(calculateManhattanHeuristic(current->getPosition(), target->getPosition()));
// If neighbour is not in the open list.
if (!inOpenList(neighbour))
// Set current Node as neighbour's parent.
// Add neighbour to the open list.
// If neighbour is in the open list.
// Calculate new G-cost..
if (corner)
newGcost += 14 + current->getGcost();
else newGcost += 10;
// If the new G-cost is better then old G-cost for neighbour, change parent. Cheaper path found.
if (current->getGcost() < neighbour->getGcost() + newGcost)
} // end neighbour blocked if.
// Continue to look for a path until Open list is empty, there are no more Nodes to check.
} while (!open.empty());
// If target Node is in closed list we have found a path.
if (inClosedList(target))
// Reverse the path trough the targets parents until we have gotten to the start position.
// Set as path, get path with getPath().
Node* reverse = target;
while (reverse != start)
//I noticed now that i hadn't completed this part.
// Return true as we have found a path.
return true;
// Return false as we have not been able to find a path.
else return false;
I am at loss at what to try next...