Hi !
I am trying some experiments based on a action gameplay with top-down view.
I want to share with you a list of weapons I have implemented. Total of 11 weapons, including some classics (shotgun, machine gun...) and some originals (I hope).
Here is the list.
1. Energy gun
Very basic weapon. Given for free, it has infinte ammos.
2. Shotgun
Very popular since Doom, the shotgun disperses a range of high-damage bullets.
3. Machine gun
It quicktly throws an accurate line of bullets.
4. Plasma gun
Faster and stronger version of the energy gun.
5. Rocket gun
The rockets are slow but accurate and the explosions are devastating. Do not use near the walls !
6. Flame thrower
Short range but pass through flock of enemys.
7. Multi-shots energy gun
Upgrade of the energy gun. It throws a range of 5 balls.
8. Chain gun
High-speed frequency and rotating barrel. Devastating.
9. Megablaster
A large and continuous blast of energy ! But it takes some time to charge...
10. Laser
Continuous and accurate ray of energy.
11. Tinyrocket gun
Hybridization between a chain gun and a rocket gun ! Definitely my favorite.
Did I forget something obvious ? Or does someone have a new idea of weapon ?
It is a Flash project, so if you are curious you can try a demo online:here: