I think that this is just too easy. If a child want to play a game, especially if it is forbidden for him, then he will play it, and not even most good parents are IT experts, who are able to control what their children consume.
I'd like to know where the kids are getting fake ID to buy the physical copy of the game, or credit-cards to buy the digital PC copy.
n.b. I was talking specificly about my country where it is marked as an adults only product.
If you want to argue that we should censor all adult-targetted products because parents are unable to parent in this day and age, then go ahead....
+1... nothing gets my blood boiling more than very well written, incredigly deep and fun stories, be it movies, comics, games, books, being censored because of some political correctness / morality / religious zeal fundamentalists.
Is the sex and crime always needed? No, most of the time not. Sometimes it is, because the story is building on what ever edgy stuff is on show, and people wouldn't get the point else. Most of the times, the good old "implication" with not showing the actual act, but giving enough hints that any mature reader / viewer will understand what is going on would be more than enough.
Does that make the story showing sex and crime any worse? No, a good story is a good story, and depending on the reader / viewer, the way the sex and crime elements are portrayed (just ecplicitely shown (which is fine for me) against the author revelling in the act of explicitely showing it (with much too long scenes, to much blood, too much screaming and cursing and yadda yadda yadda... god I hate it when a story creator sinks that low!)), and the context of the whole thing (GTA is explicit sex and crime in a RL like setting -> not very appropriate in my eyes, especially as the whole thing does not REALLY have a story.... a WW2 Story on the other hand needs its violence elements to make much sense most of the time), a very violent or sex scene heavy story can be quite good... if you as a reader want to go through the edgy stuff layering to get to the stories core and read / watch / play it, that is your decision as a mature reader / viewer.
Freedom of speech and all of those things....
Now, with that said, that are things that society clearly cannot tolerate. Racism, sexism and all that. There needs to be a line when a story is no longer tolerable for mature readers, as it is transporting a message that cannot be tolerated by society. This, of course, is a very subjective topic. To me, lots of religious fundamentalist stuff is quite untolerable... for... "more religious people", that see everything through the lense of their "holy books" or whatever, it is tolerable as long as "god told them so". Some other stuff will on the other hand be quite offensive for them, while I don't see anything out of the ordinary in it.
To make things worse, even if it would be a non subjective topic, where does freedom of speech stop and racism/whatever start?
For example, 300 is an extreme edge case. It can be seen as a racist movie, and at least the way the movie is made makes it obvious that some of it was meant this way.
On the other hand, the spartan culture from the period WAS racist. Portraying them as a modern culture where everyone is treated equal would betray historical truth... and frankly, would make the movie quite cheesy...
Should they have gone easier on the "Persian=monster" thingy, or worshipping the spartan way of bringing up their children to be cold blooded killers? Of course they should have...
Would it be the same mindless, over the top movie / comic without this? Would people still watch the movie even though the story is rather "meh" apart from the quite interesting historical myth at its core? What if you also cut out all the sex and crime to make the movie even more political correct?
In the end, society needs to make sure a) the extreme cases that cannot be tolerated are taken care of, b) only mature audiences have access to stories created for mature readers / viewers, and c) censorship is not abused by anyone.
Censorship is never the answer alone... parental control and laws against the worst excesses can help, censoring everything that might be offensive to someone does not.
As the weapon lobby puts it.... guns don't kill people... people kill people. That doesn't mean everyone should be allowed to carry a gun in public. But maybe you better keep an eye on instable and dangerous people instead of just making sure they don't get guns...
In the end, people will kill people with newspapers, rocks, pencils if they have no guns available...
To come back to violent games and movies: it isn't the violent game that turns a teenager into a violent person. The violent game might be giving him the wrong ideas and certainly shouldn't be played by this teenager. But the teenager itself, even without the game, should be seeing a shrink, as something already must have gone very wrong with him before, if he cannot stomach these games without getting the wrong ideas.
On the behalf of GTA: This game I disliked from the very beginning. Not because it is a bad game, I haven't really played and GTA game for any length, so I cannot make a statement on that.
I dislike it because I do not see the games general attitude against violence, crime, sex/sexism as appropriate. I have no problem with similar settings in a movie, or in a more linear game, as the violence is still strongly linked to a set story. Thus the violence is part of that story.
In a GTA like sandbox game, most actions you do are no longer linked to a set story. You can longer hide behind the fact that the game forced you to do violent act X because the story wouldn't have advanced without it (which might be a weak excuse, still...) ... you are now driving into people for sheer fun or because the game is rewarding you with some kind of points or achievement that are really worthless. You are living out violent acts for sheer fun and without any meaning, irony or ethics behind it. That, to me, makes the game overstep the boundary and makes me not play it, ever.
And yes, as in any sandbox game, nobody forces you to do all the pointless silly stuff people do in sandbox games. You can just play the story missions and stuff... but... why even pay for a sandbox game then?
But put into perspective, that is my very personal view on things. I am well aware that it is kinda hypocritical to condemn meaningless violence in sandbox games, while not having a problem with the same violence in other games, as long as it is part of a story that gives the violence a meaning and ethical framework.