Not sure if this is in the right forum or not - feel free to move it if it's not.
I'm an aspiring indie developer and I was hoping to make a mobile game which has more depth than the current games on the market. But I feel that if I implement the game in its entirety, the masses are going to be turned off by the idea and go back to simple but shallow mobile games.
To be successful, the game has to have a low file size (so 25 unique levels is a no-no, there goes one unique selling point), be able to be played for a minute each time and have a very simple interface so the masses would play the game more often.
I had figured that I develop two different versions for different needs - one for the masses who only want short burst gameplay and another for a niche audience who wants to be immersed in a game for hours. I would develop and support both versions and name them accordingly so people don't get confused. But there are a few problems with that, specifically the overlap between the two audiences and development time. Also, I would essentially be butchering a perfectly fine and balanced game into yet another shallow game but with prettier graphics. Games is art and this would be like me taking a Picasso painting and turning it to pop culture art.
So, I'm essentially torn between butchering the original concept and getting money for my first game. Realistically, how much shall I butcher from the PC version so the masses love it but on the other hand, I don't sit there thinking that everyone is essentially playing a butchered game? What shall I do?