
Next-Generation OpenGL design survey

Started by January 17, 2015 07:35 AM
33 comments, last by Alessio1989 10 years ago

I'll have a look at that survey once I feel like. I'm to sick for the next days and probably not

qualified enough.

It's not really a 'design survey'; they ask if you are a 3d dev and if so what you do, what platforms and what APIs you use. Then it asks what you plan to use. There is a short section about your feeling about the OpenGL, ES and WebGL APIs (where the rankings are from very positive to very negative) and a couple of questions about using the words 'open' and 'gl' in the name of the next version.

Basically feels like a marketing fluff piece with a value of about zero...

Thanks for linking anyway.

I ticked the boxes for being a user of Sony G*M / Mantle, and pleaded with them to please study these APIs well when designing GLNext, or whatever they're going to call it... OpenGL|Next, perhaps laugh.png

Thanks for linking anyway.

I ticked the boxes for being a user of Sony G*M / Mantle, and pleaded with them to please study these APIs well when designing GLNext, or whatever they're going to call it... OpenGL|Next, perhaps laugh.png

I've suggested NextGL :D

I ticked the boxes for being a user of Sony G*M [...], and pleaded with them to please study these APIs well when designing GLNext,

The Sony graphics APIs are confidential though aren't they? The only APIs Khronos have access to are Mantle and the publicly available ones as far as I know.

I ticked the boxes for being a user of Sony G*M [...], and pleaded with them to please study these APIs well when designing GLNext,

The Sony graphics APIs are confidential though aren't they? The only APIs Khronos have access to are Mantle and the publicly available ones as far as I know.

Sony is apart of the Khronos group.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.
Yeah if I can be trusted with an NDA to Sony's API's, I'm pretty sure the ARB can.

If Khronos are asking what to call it, I'd suggest "DirectX 13" - it ticks all the marketing boxes!!!

Failing that "NOGL".

It's not really a 'design survey';
Yup, OP, misleading title. They're asking more about the "brand" than anything else.

I'm thinking that I dislike the part about "library", I'd preffer if it had "interface", ie, OpenGI, Open Graphics Interface, or something like that. Just my two cents.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

I honestly don't care what they call it; library, interface, dave... doesn't matter, it only matters if the API does its job or not.

Hell, they might as well call it OpenGL5, it's not like MS have done anything more than increment the version number each time and everyone seems to be able to deal with that.

I'm really hoping this is a case of "Hey, Kim, the marketing department are starting to make noises again, give them something to do will you.." rather than "omg! brand is important!"/style of substance bullshit.

They have 3 gfx APIs to look at (PS4, Mantle, DX12) if they can't cook up something good this time then they should probably all be shot.. from a cannon... into the sun.

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