I am in the process of implementing the math of the following paper (Position Based Fluid) with java, but have still trouble following the paper and are confused about some formulas. And yes i dont have any math professional backgrunds at all, so calculus, differential equations are out of my league but still i really want to implement this paper - my entire game concept is based on fluid dynamics, but there are no existing physics engine which fits my requirements.
Here some part of formulas from the right side of page 2:
Can you please help me to break this down - so that a non math-professionals understand it?
Especially in equation (9) what is the sum of k? Sum over all neighbor particles where every neightbor index is called k and the sum is incremented for every result of the formula "gradient p k c i"?
The two vertical lines between some symbols mean scalar right?
The symbol "pk" after the gradient and before the W confuse me a lot.
I already have implemented the density estimator (p i) and the density constraint (C i) and have all 2 kernels (poly 6 and spiky gradient).
Of course there is much more, but i want to do it step by step.
Thanks in regards,
Its a shame that i never had the chance to study calculus and all that math stuff.