Preloading a transposition table generated in previous games
You could run a very long search from the starting position, and save some fraction of the resulting tree. That
would speed up the first few moves in some circumstances; but consider that you can only save a very small part
of the precomputed tree, both as a practical matter, and because it would be mostly useless.
The problem is that a successful search tree is full of holes, corresponding to the nodes that were pruned out
by alpha-beta. As soon as your opponent steps off a path that you actually investigated, your saved tree is
irrelevant. So even if your search took 24 hours, reached 20 ply, and evaluated billions of terminal nodes,
saving the entire result is almost pointless.
For the same reason, keeping the search tree and using it to seed the search tree for the next move,
after the opponent responds, is mostly useless. You have to discard 99% of the saved tree, and save
only 1% of the time in the new search.
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