Embarrassing question here, but I thought I would sort it out before going further. It's a simple one, but since I don't know the correct term I'm struggling to find an answer. Oddly enough, despite coming across countless examples of them, I haven't found a clear answer.
So, I guess you would call them private libraries, or whathaveyou, but I'm referring to code in a header and .cpp file that don't actually have instances of classes. Say, a physics or math library, something with common commands, shortcuts, etc. Are there any downsides to utilizing these to simplify my code, or anything I should be wary of?
I've been trying to clean up my code structure, and it gets difficult with a lot of boilerplate math/opengl/physics all over the place (even with inheritance, it still seems rather cluttered). Stuffing all my physics or boilerplate opengl functions into their own .cpps, and just calling them when needed would be great. Functionally, this has been working out fine, but I worry I'm overlooking something or creating a bad programming habit. It seems ideal, as much of this stuff doesn't actually seem to belong to the classes I have them in, but I lack a neat place to put them.
Anyhow, I just wanted some input for pitfalls I may be overlooking here before I go refactoring everything.