I have to do a programming excercise for university.
I've done most of it, but I get some error and I can't figure out what's
wrong and how to solve it.
I hope you can understand it, because as I said it's for university and
that's why I have to do it in my native language.
Why do other people need to decipher a foreign language to debug your intentionally contrived homework, that you are supposed to do yourself to presumably learn those things by doing them?
At http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language you can read almost anything about C++, happy learning.
Ho Ho Ho wait a second there.
I have done the most work and I don't ask anyone to do my homework and I will do the last part myself too,
but if you just read the post, like the people, who are likely to help me, do, you will see that I do not ask anyone to do this for me.
I only get an error massage, which I can't solve and I ask people to help me with that.
You know why I ask this question on gamedev.net and not just on a C++ forum? Because if
I ask something on another forum there are a lot of people, that do not read the question carefully and
say just the same thing as you say. But here one gamedev.net it seemed like those people do not exist.
Because every time I ask a question, how stupid are begginish it may be, I always get a nice answer.
It seemed like people on this forum are different, but unfortunately it seems like this isn't the case for everyone.
(But luckily the most people are nice and are trying to help, thanks to you vogues.)
And @wintertime: Please just read the post carefully next time and if you don't want to help,
just do not say anything, because it's superfluous