Having "OBJECTIVE: FIND THE KEY" in games is the equivalent of today's broken school module.
They both kill curiosity, both present a set of priorities you must follow otherwise you will never become the successful person (hero) you want to be.
The problem here is that there are endless variables that don't come to consideration,
Personally i think a revamp could have a great impact on how games are made these days.
What if the player doesn't want to become the hero?
What if they want to upgrade their character and not care for the story?
There are so many variables to consider and its obviously impossible to fit so many into a single game, its crazy actually, but i've learnt something of good worth after releasing my first game. To my surprise there were people that were completely immersed and said it presented many choices when in reality it had none.
So, how did this work? At the time i was clueless, but eventually i understood it was due to keeping the player curious about what to do when most games fill the screen telling you exactly what to do.
Why should we consider this? Because according to the reactions, the sense of achievement is greater when the player discovers rather than is told. (even if it was an illusion) It makes us think rather than blindly follow a path.
My game has its flaws and is not a perfect example of what we're getting at but games like The Stanley Parable, Dear Esther, Gone Home, The Long Dark and many more have conveyed this very well.
Having the player use their curiosity to discover an objective is a much more satisfying experience than the spoon feeding we're used to, specially if there are multiple objectives to find. Minecraft is a wonderful example. I'd like us to familiarise ourselves with this idea, how could we convey things better without telling the player exactly what to do through text or sound? Because in reality we aren't told what to do, we shape our lives and make every choice, so how do we mature it? How could we choose what we want to prioritise in games?
Speak your mind!