I have a plan for what I want in my game, but no idea how to go about doing it. I know most of C#, although I haven't utilized it much, and use Visual Studio.
Here's what the basic plot of my game is:
Basic Objective:
You use different kinds of Aquifex to take over the bases of other colors and those of the neutral color. Aquifex can also be used to defend your own base. To create Aquifex, you need Sucrose. Sucrose can be accessed by taking over Cyano. Each base spawns with one Cyano. To upgrade your Aquifex, you must attack enemies and gain xp. The neutral bases do not attack, they merely defend. The other colored bases, however, attack neutral bases and your bases. Your objective is to get all the bases on the map to become your color.
Kinds of Aquifex:
Drone: The basic Aquifex. Basic stats, no specializations.
Worker: Collects sucrose. Basic stats. Cannot attack.
Tank: An Aquifex with a huge amount of health, but very slow.
Support: An Aquifex capable of healing other Aquifex. Very fast, but weak.
Ranged: A powerful Aquifex with high damage and a long range. Fast, but relatively weak.
Berserker: A very powerful Aquifex that has low health. Normal speed, high damage.
Aquifex Upgrades:
On death explodes
Shots have additional damage over time
Shots have 10% chance of slowing enemy
Has 5% chance for double Sucrose
Mines faster
Generates electric shield that damages enemies.
Generates aggro to become a target for enemies.
On death spawns mini tanks.
On death temporarily stuns enemies.
Heals more bots at once.
Adds shield to friendly troops when they are at full health and being healed. Decays over time.
Slight healing effect on robots around it.
Longer range.
Shots home in on target.
Shots explode and damage nearby enemies.
Destroying enemies gives health.
Extra damage for killing an enemy within 5 seconds of another’s death.
Friendlies near you get a slight damage increase.
Sorry for asking for so much help, but I'm honestly a noob. Thanks to anyone and everyone who read all of that.