

Started by January 17, 2000 12:37 PM
2 comments, last by Hjalmarsson 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi! I am wondering if there are any whay that i can "delete" C:\> in the DOS prompt? how? Martin Hjalmarsson ICQ# 22869599
Martin Hjalmarssonprogramming@swipnet.seICQ# 22869599
try echo off....
To delete your C drive.. try "format c:",
to change the prompt.. try "prompt my_prompt"
prompt $p$g to get the original prompt back.
Nice ways to freak people out in DOS:

prompt .
prompt Hard drive just barfed. Please reboot.
or (my favorite)
prompt $f

For the best effect place in the autoexec.bat file and tell windows not to boot to GUI. (Just don''t do this at work if you expect *anyone* else to use your computer. Trust me.)

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