I don't really buy that line of reasoning. As a programmer, you spend what, 90% of your time in a text editor?
WARNING!, I am about to start ranting:
I have encountered programmers who do this, and I can't for the life of me understand this. A programmer should use an IDE. An IDE with refactoring, inline debugging, built in compiler support for on the fly compiling etc. I even use an IDE for javascript. I think that using a text editor is neglegence, as it enocurages one not to refactor ( I have to copy all of those function variables by hand?!?!?! ), not to write tests, etc...
When I encounter this at work, these people tell me: "Oh I can SSH and have been using this since the Unix days when I was managing Bell Laboratories". (Meant to be read cynically)
I have personally been programming before good IDEs where available (Turbo C anyone?), and I do not think anyone should ever be forced to work like that. The only exception is if you are working with some strange embedded compiler that has a bad tool chain.
A good programmer should find a good IDE for his purposes. If he can not find a good IDE he can revert to using Eclipse (Which is a not-so-good IDE which has plugins for just about anything).
Sorry about the rant.
As a text editor I usually use Notepad++ on Windows, and Nano on SSH. I never bothered paying for anything because I rarely use a text editor at work.