
Sprite DLight - Instant normal maps for 2D graphics

Started by November 22, 2014 11:56 AM
17 comments, last by Deeee 10 years, 2 months ago

I think this is amazing, dont get me wrong, but they seem metalic... is it just me?

Thank YOU for backing, jbadams smile.png

riuthamus, the intensity of the specularity map cannot yet be set for the lighting preview, that's why it looks a bit metallic.

Ah, thank you for the response.

If you're doing specular lighting in those previews, then doing monochromatic specular (e.g. use a constant like 0.1 or 'dot(colour,(float3)1/3.0)' instead of 'colour') then the surfaces will look more like insulators than metals.

Nabbed the last early-bird (DLight Lite). biggrin.png

Hodgman, actually the (monochromatic) specularity factor, based on the specularity map, is added to the ambient light (of customizable colors and intensities) at this time.
This is probably not how it should be done, I will look into a proper implementation.

Servant of the Lord, congratulations on that, and thanks for backing smile.png

A short update:

The third stretch goal has been hit today and the project exceeded 400% funding.

The new feature allows you to re-render sprites for different environments or day and night cycles, based on the generated normal map.
This enables users of game engines that do not support shaders to customize the lighting of characters and objects, resulting in an atmospheric integration.

"Super Aged Warriors Alpha 2 HD Turbo Special", ©2014 AlbertoV (DYA Games), re-rendered for different environments with the normal map and lighting of Sprite DLight

Four ambient light colors and a directional light can be applied, and users of the Pro version will be able to use this with batch-processing.
The diffuse light is reduced to its directional component, allowing for consistent re-lighting of sprite sheets.

"Wolf where?", ©2014 Kevin Chaloux, re-rendered for different environments with the normal map and lighting of Sprite DLight

The final week of the Kickstarter campaign is running and the final stretch goal is smashed:


I am currently redesigning the UI, the flat buttons are gone, there's some shiny new orbs for the map generation tabs:


Any feedback is welcome.

There's 6 days left to grab the tool at the Kickstarter backer price and to jump in for the beta.

The clock is ticking...
26 hours left to grab the tool at the Kickstarter backer price and to jump in for the beta.
"Skull Plant", ©2013 Kevin Chaloux, normal map and dynamic lighting preview of Sprite DLight

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