Hi there. I'll bite and be the first ![:P tongue.png](http://public.gamedev5.net//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png)
Edit* and now that I've finished it. let me offer my apologies for the vague answers. But, to me many of the questions truly seem a little vague. For example, I like some puzzle games, but it feels heavy handed to me to say flat out that I like puzzle games. I answered "depends on the implementation" to a lot of these questions, as I could give good or bad examples for any of them. A fantasy steam punk game might appeal to me, or it might really bug me. It really depends on so many factors. Melee or ranged? It completely depends on the game and how each playstyle feels to me. Difficult bosses? It depends on what you mean by difficult and the genre of the game (and often depends on how the controls are. Is it difficult due to random chance, sloppy controls, or simply unfair?).
Anyhow, just wanted to note why I left so many answers a little vague. Hopefully they're still of some use for you. Personally, I'm of the opinion that none of these things really make a good, interesting or appealing game in and of themselves, and it completely depends on how they're used and implemented.
1. What is your age?
My apologies, but it's the internet and I don't give out personal information.
2. What is your gender?
3. The main set of characters is a group of 4 people on an adventure together; what locations would you most like to see?
Generally I like original locations with a lot of style, atmosphere and imagination. I know that sounds wishy-washy, and it's difficult to pin down. But, there it is.
The actual location doesn't really matter to me, if it's well done. Space/fantasy/Earth/time-period etc. It depends on how well it's done.
4. How would a magic fantasy world with a steam punk highlight appeal to you?
Generally pretty well, but it depends on many things, such as aesthetics, tone, etc, etc.
5. Would you be more likely to play the game if you could control multiple characters?
Totally depends on the mechanic. Some games I've loved this feature, others I've loathed it.
6. Would you like an even split of genders out of four characters or more than one side be larger?
I prefer an equal split, and give bonus points for devs who don't make the game cater solely to the male demographic. But, it's not a deal breaker.
7. I’m thinking of a puzzle platforming game with jump and shoot mechanics; do you think this would develop well?
Completely depends on implementation. There's a lot of competition in this sub-genre.
8. Do you like platformers or puzzle games?
9. Are you interested in a puzzle platformer?
10. Would you like to have a free roam exploration mode in the game?
Generally yes, but this also depends on many things. It often backfires.
11. Would it be better to have a melee character instead of all ranged weapons?
Personally, I generally prefer ranged, but this seems pretty arbitrary and game-dependent.
12. If I was to include bosses how hard do you think they should be?
Also completely depends on the implementation. I like fair and difficult bosses generally. In roguelikes, I like near impossible bosses. If it's simply frustrating due to a number of reasons, I may simply quit and play another game.
13. Do you mind a cartoony style with some realistic features?
Depends on implementation.
14. How difficult would you like the game to be?
Depends on implementation, genre, definition of difficult.
15. If I was to add RPG aspects do you think they would work? (Such as – give some examples)
Depends on implementation. For example, if the game has really shallow rpg elements, without much choice or consequence, I'd rather do without it.
I do like character customization. I like to be able to allocate meaningful skill points and direct the development of my character. I like well told stories. But, this also is really
dependent on the genre, implementation, etc.
16. Do you think a time trial area would be a nice challenge?
I generally loathe these. But, also depends on the implementation.
17. If I were to add achievements/ trophies/ rewards would you aim to collect them all?
Generally, no.
18. Would you like visible armor and weaponry?
Generally, yes.
19. Would you like my game to: Console/ Phone or tablet/ PC or other?
I play on PC.
20. Please ask any questions you want me to answer, if you have any or leave a comment.
Thank you for answering if you have!