
Looking for some game pictures

Started by November 07, 2001 10:03 PM
2 comments, last by wingtiger 23 years, 1 month ago
I''m writting a top view 2D tank game ,so i need some free pictures of tank, building, ground, road etc. Someone else can tell me how to get it! Thank a lot!
Draw it in some paint program or create models (or download from internet) in some 3D program (3Dstudio, trueSpace, or some freeware program) and render them in the top view.

I don''t think this helps much, but just for the beginning...
where i can download these picture or 3d modle? Could you tell me some URL?
Tank you!
If you have 3dstudio or another 3d modeler softare, try with this site:

Enter to free stuff area and there you will have several nice 3ds models to download

Hope this help



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