
Stupid link errors!!!

Started by November 07, 2001 09:36 PM
4 comments, last by Kaezin 23 years, 1 month ago
I keep getting these stupid errors every time I compile: player.obj : error LNK2005: "struct sTile (* map)[5]" (?map@@3PAY04UsTile@@A) already defined in class_func.obj functions.obj : error LNK2005: "struct sTile (* map)[5]" (?map@@3PAY04UsTile@@A) already defined in class_func.obj game.obj : error LNK2005: "struct sTile (* map)[5]" (?map@@3PAY04UsTile@@A) already defined in class_func.obj Game___Win32_Debug/Game.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found Error executing link.exe. I do multiple includes in class_func.cpp, player.cpp, and etc., and I made sure to use

#ifndef PLAYER
#define PLAYER

//code goes here

but I still get these dumb errors!
Half the people you know are below average.Trogdor the Burninator
You are defining ''map'' in the header. Every source-file/module that includes this header will therefore get it''s own definition of map, and these multiple definitions will clash at link-time. The solution is to declare ''map'' extern in the header, and define it in exactly one source-file.
I have found that I get this error if I do certain defines before includes like:

#define INITGUID


#define INITGUID

once again, I''m not an expert so I am just saying ONE thing that has caused these kind of errors for me.
ahhh okay thanks
Half the people you know are below average.Trogdor the Burninator
quote: Original post by CruxMihiAncora
I have found that I get this error if I do certain defines before includes [remove examples]

Those defines alter the behavior of the includes, so if you''re getting errors by placing them before the headers, you''re doing something wrong.

#define INITGUID, for example, should come before virtually all includes; #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN causes the inclusion of windows.h to exclude rarely used stuff - declaring it after the include is redundant.

I wanna work for Microsoft!
I hate to post this whole code segment, but any idea what I am doing wrong here? When I put the defines before the includes I get the same type of errors that Kaezin is getting. However, if I put the defines after the includes, it compiles just fine:

      #ifndef __ENGINE_H__#define __ENGINE_H__// standard includes#include	<d3d8.h>#include	<d3dx8.h>#include	<stdio.h>// standard defines#define		INITGUID#define		WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEANclass CEngine {	public:				// ******* VARIABLES ******* //				// window handles		HINSTANCE					m_hInstance;		HWND						m_hWnd;		// ******* FUNCTIONS ******* //				int		iInit3D( void );		void	vRenderScene( void );		// Constructor and Destructor		CEngine( );		~CEngine( );	private:		// ******* VARIABLES ******* //				// direct3d globals		LPDIRECT3D8					m_pD3D;		LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8			m_pD3DDevice;		D3DXMATRIX					m_matProj;					// projection data		D3DXMATRIX					m_matCameraView;				// camera data		D3DXVECTOR3					m_vecCameraSource;		D3DXVECTOR3					m_vecCameraTarget;		LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8		m_lpVertexBuffer;		// definition for our vertex shader		#define		D3DFVF_MYVERTEX (D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1)		// vertex structure		typedef struct MYVERTEX {			float	x;			float	y;			float	z;			float	u;			float	v;		} MYVERTEX, *LPMYVERTEX;		// global vertices		MYVERTEX m_Vertices[4];		// ******* FUNCTIONS ******* //				void	vSetupView( void );};#endif       

Yikes!!! This really expands the tabs. Sorry about the code being so wide.

Edited by - CruxMihiAncora on November 8, 2001 2:15:10 AM

Edited by - CruxMihiAncora on November 8, 2001 2:16:21 AM

Edited by - CruxMihiAncora on November 8, 2001 2:17:23 AM

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