
Where to start making my very first Flash game

Started by October 31, 2014 09:20 AM
5 comments, last by Shatley123 10 years, 2 months ago

I've learned coding since early this year and AS3 a few months recently. I just want to make a game but have never made one before. So I'm trying to make my first game. These are what I have:

- C++ & AS3 coding skill

- FlashDevelop (code editor) & Flex SDK (compiler)

- Inkscape art skill

- Ideas about this game

I have almost everything (ideas & stuff) about my first game but I just don't know what to do or where to code first, should I make the art or code first and a lot of other things.

So please help me, thanks.

Twitter: [twitter]DleanJeans[/twitter]

Write out a detailed list of all the features you want in your "game", than make a list of exactly HOW you will implement those features. From there add in all the fluff such as story lines, basic map designs, e.t.c. .

Of course trying to make a large game as your first attempt may not be such a good idea.

Scale back your project to something very basic, and than gradually add features you want.

I have to ask: have you ever programmed something more complicated than the basic "Hello World" program ?

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you want to finish the game, a design document describing every feature of the game (what Shippou mentioned) is a very good idea.

However, if you are inexperienced, you probably should concentrate on small achievable goals first, perhaps writing a few technical demos that require implementing some aspect of the game only.

I would personally start with some core aspect of the gameplay and implement that, with placeholder art to begin with. For instance, if the game is a 2D platformer, I would make a character (or a rectangle, to get started) that I can control with the keyboard, so it can move left and right and it can jump. Making this little demo is a lot less overwhelming than making a complete game, but it will teach you important skills to make your game. You can play around with parameters of the movement until it feels right.

Another little program you can make is something that reads a level and shows it on the screen. Perhaps here you just use the keyboard to move around the level, with no characters or anything else inside.

It is perfectly OK to then throw away the code from these little prototypes and start from scratch. But you will be much more confident that you know how to implement several key parts of the game.

Anyway, that's the kind of process that works for me, but programming is an art and you need to find what works for you.

If you're using Flex, I recommend you start by opening up some of the demo games that come free as examples. Try modifying them, and that will give you a better sense for how the games actually work.

I've looked through them in the past, and it's not a lot of code to wrap your head around (unlike larger projects), it's easy to understand and edit them in a few minutes.

Once you have a basic sense of game play programming, you'll be much more able to visualize how you can create what you're going for.

Thanks guys! I have drew a character in my game and I'm gonna code how the player can controll the character. smile.png

Twitter: [twitter]DleanJeans[/twitter]

Hey man that sounds incredible. I've been working with Flash / FlashDevelop for 3.5 years and would be willing to help you out!

Add me and mention that you found me from here:

Skype: aldo.leka94

My new YT channel about game creation is out!!!

Exciting stuff to come;)


You should definitely check out flashpunk or flixel

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