This is a discussion about technologies used to build MMO (real time) video games played through a browser and mobiles. (Massively Multiplayers Online)
Any feedback from developpers who have build MMO would be greatly appreciated, the aim is to compare technologies with pro and cons, not to tell which one is the best but to have an overview of what exist, what can be used, what should not be used and what incoming technologies/frameworks seem promising.
I am a student currently writing a thesis, the results of this discussion will be part of it. The thesis will be written in French and in English, and a link to it will be added to the main post once it is released. (~June 2015)
The first step is to build a bibliography of articles, books, blogs, thesis and so on. I am also willing to interview some developpers (i.e: InnoGames) and get experience feedbacks.
- Compare Flash games used a few years ago with HTML5/JS games based on the browsers rendering engine. Basically explains that HTML5 games are nowadays much better than Flash due to the low cost, compatibility, based on an open-source technology, doesn't require any extra plugin or so.
- May 25, 2012 by Jarred Draney
- Explains what technology he used to build an online game (Node.js, and canvas/WebGL) and why. Then makes a tutorial to build a basic application with some stuff related to video games like client prediction and interpolation.
- Jul 18th, 2012 by Sven Bergström
- Explains how real time multiplayer games were done a few years ago (DOOM: peer-to-peer) and why the model was wrong. Explains why latency sucks and how to deal with it (client side prediction). There are many other links and tutorial in this website which are great, about gaming, but not only.
- Jan 25, 2010 by Glenn Fiedler
Interviews and experience feebacks
- InnoGames (waiting)
So, what to do now? Please help me to build the bibliography by adding resources that you think are related and would be useful. Also if you have any experience that you could share, please do!
Once I have enough information I will write a quizz and specific questions to ask to the people I want to interview.