public class Client {
int port;
String url;
Socket socket;
ObjectInputStream input;
ObjectOutputStream output=null;
public Client(String address,int po){
url = address;
port = po;
try {
socket = new Socket (url,port);// use instead Connect function to create a socket that is tcp connected somewhere
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Client Ini Crash\n" + e);
public void out(Object obj){
//socket = new Socket (url,port);
if (output ==null)
output = new ObjectOutputStream (socket.getOutputStream());
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Client Crash\n" + e);
I modified your code to create output stream object only in case it does not exist over socket, and you should not just create a socket through constructor but rather use TcpClient class to correctly connect to a remote tcp server and recieve a functional connected r/w socket (and test it)