I'm a writer, 2d cartoonist. I want to get into 2d game development so I can showcase my artwork and designs.
What about Dark BASIC? Or is there a simpler/better language to learn. JustBASIC? - or will that restrict me graphically.
I want to build games like RTS: The Sims, Close Combat, RPG: Phantasy Star, FInal Fantasy, Adventure: Discworld 2, Monkey Island,
Arcade: Galactic Swarm.
I'm not sure about Python or Lua, they seem gargantuan.
I'm thinking small in scale, say 30 levels but big in mechanics and simple graphics.
Does anyone know anything about BlitzMax?
I would love to get this kind of look for my games - http://www.gamedev.net/page/showdown/view.html/_/polyherder-games-r52147
I have posted an early brief for my first game Mogul 1: High School Hustler here - http://www.gamedev.net/topic/660318-ive-given-up-already-now-i-want-to-try-again-gml-or-something-else/
I decided to go with javascript, html5, css and css3.