hello. i recently found 3dmax has a tool name viewport canvas and i hva some questions about it.
1)is this the best choice to texture models? i think it is much easier of unwrap it and paint it photoshop but i still see most of tutorials use this instead of using viewport canvas. and i think it is better than zbrush because it colors the faces instead of polygons and its better for lowpoly games.
2)how to create masks? is this the bump map or it is diffrent? as i found if i want to map be there like logo or arm you have to have the exact mask of that texture.
3)how can i change the sampling size texture(i think its called tiling)? i found no option for it but when i made camera farther the ssampling was bigger. is that the way it works?
4)i want to drawing be smooth and when i draw the texture the next point i draw be continue of my drawing of last point in main texture(i dont know i explained it well) how can i fix that?