
Idea for 2-D RPG

Started by September 26, 2014 01:45 AM
10 comments, last by Mia Blue 10 years, 3 months ago

Hello all. This is the last random idea, I promise...Well I don't promise, but I'll try not to bother you all too much. Anyway, I have been working on this idea as an anime like drama series, but I thought to myself, this would actually make a good game. Basically it is the story of six warriors who fought in the last great war of their lands, four from the Kingdom and two from the Empire. Now, these legends that have disappeared must come together once more as allies and fight the wicked villain Xizor, a man who seeks to bring down both governments for slights against him.

Anyway, I was thinking that since the game started out as an episodic TV idea, that there would be the six main characters and the player would have to choose "chapters" that would feature one or more of those characters. Each character has a unique origin story, and that would be the first "chapter". After that it would move along through "chapters" very much like an old-timey JRPG much like the original Suikoden. Also t would feature party fights and individual fights because the heroes would have to face off against Xizor's many generals. The player will also have to take action to advance all six characters by buying or finding new armor, sharpening weapons (no need to equip new ones) and developing skills with a trainer.

Each main character will have skills that they share and skills that are all together specific to their character. Blue Angel might share the "Heal" skill with others, but the skill "Angel Dust" is a skill only she can perform. The player will have to advance this skill so that it will become more powerful and keep up with the pace of her enemies who are also advancing.

Anyway, this is a start. The first "Episode" has already been written in screenplay form. Do you think this idea would be good for a game, or should I rewrite it into a comic book script and try to get it published instead? Thank you!!

Assuming you don't want the sugar coated answer, I have read and played your idea before... it's like every other game or work of fiction. What differentiates it? I'm sure you will have an immediate answer for me, but really stop and think about this question. Take Final Fantasy VI for instance. It had several pretty good ideas, borrowed a few good elements (arguably from Star Wars or something Star Wars was based on), and had a really good implementation. Now that is a game.

1. Do you think this idea would be good for a game,
2. or should I rewrite it into a comic book script and try to get it published

1. Sure, why not.
2. Sure, why not.

Depending on the execution, of course. (Execution is everything.)

-- Tom Sloper --

Assuming you don't want the sugar coated answer, I have read and played your idea before... it's like every other game or work of fiction. What differentiates it? I'm sure you will have an immediate answer for me, but really stop and think about this question. Take Final Fantasy VI for instance. It had several pretty good ideas, borrowed a few good elements (arguably from Star Wars or something Star Wars was based on), and had a really good implementation. Now that is a game.

I agree on this one. As Shane C said, it's not a really original story. Well at least the start. You could do a good job on the character, the world building, the gameplay etc... (Execution if everything as said someone ;) ) But I don't find the premise attractive.

As ShaneC and Navezof have pointed out, this isn't an original concept. It's like many RPGs out there.

If you intend on going through with this idea, I suggest flawless execution. Concept may not be original, but you could turn up something very well made that works anyway, or botch it up into yet another clone...

As others have said, its a pretty standard RPG concept. Also as others have said its all about execution. Pretty much every type of story has already been done before in some fashion. Where the big names stand out, is how they have added extra elements and combined them into their execution. In order to stand out from the other rpgs that have similar concepts (e.g. off the top of my head FFX - Al Bhed Vs Yevon with Sin as the evil that attacks both), you need to find a way to make it stand out. Is there something your battle system has that no other has? Is the art style different from any other (e.g. again on the top of my head, steampunk mixed with mexican folklore)? Is the control scheme new and innovative?

Try to not mimic influences (in reference to your "like Suikoden" comment), sure take ideas from them and make your own spin on it (e.g. yet again on the top of my head, final fantasy x's turn based battle system, with Tekken-like brawling elements when doing overdrives/limit breaks). Doing these things will make your idea stand out.

Not sure what else I can add, I've only really embellished what others have said before me :S

Edit: Tbh I would try and build out your world through a comic first, so you can get a full idea of what the world looks and feels like and get the lore setup. Comics are also have less things to worry about as far as production goes. Where a comic has plot, dialogue, image composition, character design, environment design and world design, a game has all of these things-potentially in three dimensions - and on a grander scale (especially in an RPG) plus AI design, Game system design, enemy behaviour design, GUI design, quest design, user control design. All that is not including if you want to make your own engine, in which case you'd also need great programming skills (or access to someone who does) in order to implement all of the above. I'm not trying to put you off making a game, just stating how much there is to a game and having a "world bible" with all of the lore and look of the world before attempting to make a game out of it will most likely make the job easier and perhaps make others interested to help you make such a game.


the player would have to choose "chapters" that would feature one or more of those characters.

it would move along through "chapters" very much like an old-timey JRPG much like the original Suikoden.

t would feature party fights and individual fights

The player will also have to take action to advance all six characters by buying or finding new armor, sharpening weapons (no need to equip new ones) and developing skills with a trainer.

Each main character will have skills that they share and skills that are all together specific to their character. Blue Angel might share the "Heal" skill with others, but the skill "Angel Dust" is a skill only she can perform. The player will have to advance this skill so that it will become more powerful and keep up with the pace of her enemies who are also advancing.

Reread your post, but pretend someone else wrote it. If this ^ really intrigues you, make it a game; if the other parts do, make it a comic. Regardless, remember to fail fast and loud.

Interesting. Thank you all for your input, and I understand what you are saying. I know that it is not the most original idea, but it is an Idea I like. Everything has been done before, it is how you make it something better that counts. It is indeed one of those things where you build a concept from a familiar framework, but you warp the frame, add a different support, tweak the structure, and give it dramatic flare, and it is something that would be a viable idea. As I've said in other posts, I am more of a writer than a designer, and am totally new with some of the aspects of design. However, I am also an idea mill, and these things get trapped in my head and I have to get them out. It all then depends on which outlet I want to work with. As things are now, writing film scripts has ruined me for writing fiction, however writing film scripts isn't lucrative at this time so what's left? Two things that I am certainly interested in, games and comics. So I am left with those two options, and I have to decide, where would this story best fit in? Well it would do well with either, but if I made it a game it would have to be very cinematic. On the other hand, you can do cinematic in comic books and graphic novels, but all the action happens in still illustrations. This story and where it is going to go would work as either. The only thing I would worry about with making it a game is content. This is going to be a story with naked breasts and gay love affairs (yeah, that Game of Throneish but thankfully no incest) So I think I have made my decision that this has to be a gritty graphic novel instead of a game due to the fact that I might be able to make it, but who would distribute a game like that? I guess what I am saying is the story is still the most important thing for me, and design is a side concern. Yeah I think I just solved my problem for myself *slaps forehead* d'oh! Anyway, thanks again to the experts. Maybe someday I will know what I'm doing and make a game, but for now, I guess I just want to write...Haha..

Well it would do well with either, but if I made it a game it would have to be very cinematic.

While I know you said you are making a comic for now, I would advise you in the future to be extremely wary of this statement. Games are built to be an interactive medium, and while there ~can~ be value in large cinematic sequences (so long as they occur relatively infrequently, or support a massively engaging story/characters), such things are typically reserved for huge AAA productions that have the budgets to make such sequences well. Furthermore, a game that focuses on cinematics wastes the player's time when they are expecting an engaging -interactive- experience from the product.

Given what you are describing a novel or comic book certainly sound like a better medium if you are disregarding the use of video/film altogether from the start.

Also, for future reference, if you ever do decide to produce a game, make sure you don't simply make a game that has gameplay elements and then has a story that merely "supports" those elements. That will make a game of course, but the best games are the ones in which the gameplay elements themselves imbue the story with cohesive magic in some way. By this I mean that the gameplay and story complement each other respectively and not just one of them supporting the other alone.

willnationsdev - Godot Engine Contributor

I believe you should make this into a game! If you put enough work into it, I imagine it would certainly be an enjoyable experience for your players.

Everything has been done before, it is how you make it something better that counts.

I can agree with this, as long as you are exploring the concept in a different manner (in other words, adding originality). If you find that your story is too similar to those of others, I recommend checking out TV Tropes ( for some interesting ways of mixing things up.

This is going to be a story with naked breasts and gay love affairs (yeah, that Game of Throneish but thankfully no incest) So I think I have made my decision that this has to be a gritty graphic novel instead of a game due to the fact that I might be able to make it, but who would distribute a game like that? I guess what I am saying is the story is still the most important thing for me, and design is a side concern.

Why? In my opinion, I feel that you're including those things as an easy way to attract a certain audience, and I feel that way because it doesn't appear to have any direct correlation to the rest of your story (plot/setting significance). I see it all the time in many MMOGs with impractically-dressed, and sometimes heavily-stereotyped, characters.

While that might not be of issue, I think you should really spend some time considering your audience before you continue. The concerns you have regarding distribution of a game with those elements can potentially carry over to that medium as well.

Best wishes in the avenue you decide to take! +1 for your interesting game design.

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