
Simple 2D Game Idea

Started by September 22, 2014 01:16 PM
6 comments, last by jbadams 10 years, 3 months ago

Hi, I don't know if this is the right spot to post this, but I'll post it here anyways.

So basically, I want to create a very simple 2d game for mobile platforms using unity, but I don't have any good ideas. I started creating a simple basketball game, but then figured there already were so many basketball games, so I stopped the project. So now I need your help to bring up some ideas.

It has to be a very simple, yet fun idea for a game, which won't be too big of a project to create. Examples of games I'm thinking of are Flappy Bird, Most games from Donut Games and Amazing Thief. Games like these are fun to play, yet they are still very simple

Hope to see some great ideas!


1. I want to create a very simple 2d game for mobile platforms using unity, but I don't have any good ideas.
2. I started creating a simple basketball game, but then figured there already were so many basketball games, so I stopped the project.

1. Why? Why do you want to create a game if you don't have any "good" ideas? If you don't have any ideas, why don't you just join forces with somebody else who does have ideas? And what do you mean by a "good" idea? What constitutes "good"?
2. Does "good" mean "there aren't already too many others just like it"? If you wanted to make a basketball game, the existence of other such games isn't reason enough to give it up.

-- Tom Sloper --


1. I want to create a very simple 2d game for mobile platforms using unity, but I don't have any good ideas.
2. I started creating a simple basketball game, but then figured there already were so many basketball games, so I stopped the project.

1. Why? Why do you want to create a game if you don't have any "good" ideas? If you don't have any ideas, why don't you just join forces with somebody else who does have ideas? And what do you mean by a "good" idea? What constitutes "good"?
2. Does "good" mean "there aren't already too many others just like it"? If you wanted to make a basketball game, the existence of other such games isn't reason enough to give it up.

1. I would like to create the game myself, because I've made games with others before, and I've often experienced work not being done or the project just never getting finished. And by a "good" idea, I mean an idea for a game that I would've played myself, and which would be popular for others as well. My goal is to create a game that others can enjoy, including myself.

2. If there already exists a game like that, why would anyone play my game over that one? Then I would have to create the game better than the other one, which would require a lot more work as I am only one person.

How about a puzzle slider game (one thats a grid of square tiles with one missing tile position and you can sklide one tile at a time along the 2 perpendicular axis. The addition is : instead of some nice picture to slide a randomization into the correct view, You have some objects that the inline patterns (3 in a row/ combination of objects/whatever results in a score and the puzzle run is timed -- you try to get the highest scrore from the available tiles - some strategy because of the sliding limitations.

Its a busy hand kind of game - not to complicated to understand . Add some cute sound effects....

That will give you programming examples of working a sliding command transitional type input interface, fairly simple 2D graphics, no major logic programming (easy processing works on low end target hardware)...

Something to get working (experience) for then you come up with your own 'good idea'

--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact

If you're out of ideas, asking others isn't the stupidest thing you could do. However, I would suggest doing a bit game design studying, as ideas isn't something you should be lacking if you're really into making games. I can highly recommend Ian Schreiber's online course on game design, which is both excellent and free. If you want to make "enjoyable" games, studying game design is a must imo.

Regardless, I would suggest starting out with a really simple game and finish it even if there are lots of similar games out there. There's a huge amount of indie devs working on games, but only a small percentage of those will actually finish their first game. Break that barrier, learn from the process, and make your second game better and more unique if you want to.

Didn't give you a game idea, but stuyding game design should give you the tools and skills to generate lots of ideas for yourself.

I would suggest starting out with a really simple game and finish it even if there are lots of similar games out there.

Yes, agreed.

-- Tom Sloper --


Is there a "simple 2d game for mobile" that you would love to play but doesn't exist? MAKE THAT GAME.

Otherwise, it makes sense to help on someone else's project.

- Jack Everitt [twitter]kreylix[/twitter] Making medieval RPGs native for the iPhone [twitter]mercatorgames[/twitter]

You could take a look at "Three Hundred Mechanics" for some ideas or try some of the prototyping challenges on Lost Garden (Fishing Girl, Shade, Play With Your Peas).

- Jason Astle-Adams

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