If anybody stumbles upon this and has a similar problem/need, here's some solutions I've gathered. All pure Java.
- Traer Physics: created for use in Processing, is, in fact, pure Java. Easy to understand and extend. Implements Euler, Modified Euler and Runge-Kutta 4 integrators. I've written a Verlet Velocity integrator class, that's almost as fast as Euler but more precise (will put on github). A good middle way between Euler and RK4.
- Toxilibs: a more advanced collection of utilities for physics, collision detection etc. Will probably end up using this if I stop writing my own. It uses Verlet Integration.
- And of course, last and (for now) least, my own dirty little physics engine. I'm trying to write the simplest and fastest version without caring too much about readability/code reuse. If you are trying to learn these things like, it might be useful to study my code. Or not.