Hey there mates!
Ehrm first of all thanks for spending some of your Time here trying to help me! Thats awesome!
So to give all Informations I have I ll make it quite long, if you dont want to read that stuff (Maybe you dont need to know it), then just skip right to the TL;DR Part please. Thank you!
So first of all I wished to get into Cpp. So I was all like: Oke first of all you need to learn about the basics.
So I first worked throu the complete Tutorial from www.cplusplus.com --> http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
After finishing that I thought I'd need some practise, some small projects to learn the Rest by doing. So I tried some minor things and was all fine and good. Then I was all like, thats awesome, I d like to get deeper into it, let's start with one of my Favourite Gametypes, since that should be challenging enuff for the beginning, but not overwhelming, so that I still can manage it alone with some Nights of Researches. : P
I wished to program a Towerdefense. A simple one, got my Ideas and stuff, but I needed to get away from those Console Applications, the Question was how?
So I read about DirectX and OpenGL and Stuff and decided to go for OpenGL. Then there was like: It only provides simple Graphics you need the libraries to actualy work with em. Oke no Problem, lets see, there was glut but I did read SDL should be simpler for the beginning and for minor projects. So I tried SDL.
After like 3 Days of trying to somehow integrate that into Code::Blocks and get things going, I figured, it is impossible for me, some Linker Error I had guesses but I just could not fix it.
Okay shit happens, lets try glut. After 1 Day of researches on how to get things going with Forumposts from like 5 Years ago, I found one saying glut is outdated, you have to try freeglut.
So I tried freeglut and while being on the research on how to set this thing up, I found a Youtube Video which said the Best one for Cross Plattforming would be GLFW.
Since Freeglut did not work anyhow, I was like, what the heck, if its the best one for my purposes, then I should go for GLFW. After 2 Days of trying now I really really really feel bad. I just cannot get things going.
So my Question now would be:
Which IDE would you suggest for me to use to program 2D/3D Things (I did read that Code::Blocks is outdated (If you want to start a new GLFW Project it looks for an old GLFW header file and the same for SDL and glut also I think), so maybe some other one would be better?)?
In Terms of Compilers I was working with Mingw so far since I read that its quite the most solid one for my purposes, would you guys agree with that?
And the Last and most important question:
Can you help me get things started please? I would not mind searching for Code and stuff, but not even getting the IDE set up is so frustrating. So insanely frustrating. Please help me with that.
I want to start some minor 2D Projects to get more and more into CPP and Game Development and would like to ask you guys to help me setting this up, so that I can start experimenting with Code and its behaviour.
What I would need advise for is:
Which IDE would you recommend. Which Compiler would you recommend? OpenGL or DirectX or are there other possibilities? All for Cross Plattform Applications (Would like to make them run on Windows + Linux in the End).
And the Final and Most Important thing:
Can you guys please help me set this IDE up, so that I can start my first 2D Project (Which will be a simple Tower Defense Game to get into that whole Thing).
Thank you guys very much, I would appreciate any help since I am quite desperate already right now!