I have been learning SDL for a couple of weeks by myself on Linux. I started downloading some tarballs from sourceforge and such of games written using SDL but much of the code either seems (to me) to be too hackish or unclear. Can someone suggest some opensource projects (or some other resource) with well-commented source code for learning purposes?
Opensource SDL linux games with well-commented source
An open source game, a game on linux, a game with well-commented code, this is a pretty tall order.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
An open source game, a game on linux, a game with well-commented code, this is a pretty tall order.
It seems to be a "pick two" situation, yes.
Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.
Not really:
have a look for ex. at the 4th result.
Not really:
have a look for ex. at the 4th result.
Fourth result for me is the Wikipedia page for SDL which is neither open source, a game, or well documented.
Instead of the passive aggressive "let me Google that for you" thing, you should just post what link you are talking about. As I'm inclined to agree with Sean and mhagain on this one.
obviously more than 2 found in the first search...
SDL is very widely used but I cannot remember any well documented source right now.
A second search: sdl well documented game
found for ex.:
There are tons of examples really.
Have fun.
There tends to be a fairly big cross-over between Open Source and Linux (as in many Linux games are Open Source; many Open Source projects are cross-platform), so I don't think requiring both is significantly limiting. And the requirement for Open Source is simply that he can't exactly go looking at commercial proprietary code.
But I think the OP is better off with tutorials (including example code) than "real-world" games, which is perhaps what they were getting at anyway by "projects". Whilst ideally production code should always be well commented, this often doesn't work out in practice (Open Source or not), and the people writing it aren't gearing their comments to be for people learning to code.
http://erebusrpg.sourceforge.net/ - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android
http://conquests.sourceforge.net/ - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux