help me pick a game engine
I want to make 2d games, specifically for android and iOS. However since I'm a PC guy myself I really want a game engine that wouldn't make it too hard to get running on pc (and preferably Mac and Linux).
I've been looking at a bunch of game engines and suites and unfortunately don't have time to try everyone out for a while and see which is perfect for me and my need so I am wondering if people can recommend things based on what you have experience in.
Programming wise all my experiencing is in Android (and java). And game maker (back in the day. Have not used it since the whole studio version came out).
I have also tried Construct 2 but hated it.
Game Maker studio looms nice but don't have $400-$800 to get the android and iOS modules.
Since most my experience is in java I am lead to believe libgdx is perfect for me but I kinda want to learn a new language (but not sure if I should rather focus on gaining more development experience instead)
LOVE2D looked really interesting but never used it. Same with Openfl with HAXE. But I am open to anything!
Also i have been told that Java and garbage collection make java a horrible choice for any game development.
I know I said 2d games but am very open to 2.5D games so maybe something like Unity is a good choice?
This would be for fun, but I guess my ultimate goal is to ultimately be a better programmer and get a good job. So not sure the best way to go about this.
Thank you for any comments
Unity could be a good choice. It is multi platform like you want but it does cost quite a bit of money for android/ios publising.
I would look into SDL2. Seems like it would be really good for you. It has its bindings in C++ but you said you were open to learning a new language and C++ is definitely a very common one specifically within game programming. It's super cross platform (has ports for everything from iOS/Android to PC/Mac/Linux to Raspeberry Pi even) and is actively being developed as it is being used by big companies for cross platform game development, specifically Valve is using it for Linux ports of their games to run on the Steam Box.
It is pretty easy to use for 2D game development with a relatively easy API and built in hardware accelleration for 2D, however if you want to move to 3D then you will need to write your own custom OpenGL which is not wrapped up nicely with an API however it is easily contained within the SDL windowing and input systems so SDL is still useful for 3D game dev as well.
So a language other than Java?
Edit: Btw, to anyone else reading this post: If someone ever ask you a similar question, and they said "whatever language is fine" or needs to be in a "C-like language" or "Javascript" or "C#", then "Unity" might be a good blanket answer. :P
Unity looked really great but pro is really really expensive.
Hmm thanks for the suggestions guys.
You might be better off attempting to make your own game engine. The effort might take a lot longer. But the outcome is you have an engine that can be easily tailored to your own needs. And you won't have to make any payments should you WANT to actually sell your game for profit. Though, you will be paying some money anyways just to get the API for an IOS based system, and to hold it on their store for any length of time.
If you want to go phone based game programming, Android systems may be better to start with. The API is a little more friendly.
I never really thought about SDL as a game engine but looks like it works. K had no idea it was use able with android though. Might end up doing this.
Unity looked really great but pro is really really expensive.
Hmm thanks for the suggestions guys.
Because SDL isn't a game engine, it is a library just like SFML and Allegro. As pointed out, if you want an engine, use Unity.
Unity is a great entry point in my opinion. I've enjoyed experimenting with it thus far. You will be quite surprised, with the amount you can achieve in short time with Unity, which is gratifying for anyone needing motivation.
I never really thought about SDL as a game engine but looks like it works. K had no idea it was use able with android though. Might end up doing this.
Unity looked really great but pro is really really expensive.
Hmm thanks for the suggestions guys.
You don't need the pro license to do some pretty awesome stuff with Unity.
I never really thought about SDL as a game engine but looks like it works. K had no idea it was use able with android though. Might end up doing this.
Unity looked really great but pro is really really expensive.
Hmm thanks for the suggestions guys.
Yeah as was said it's not an engine it's just a framework to wrap the various low level operating system specific functions, but it can be used as a basis for game development especially if you want cross platform.