So I've decided to jump into the programming in mid-career/life, but intend to publish by the grace of the (insert favored divinity/benign overlord here), and will start out with an indie effort to build up the chops. I started an online C++ cert that is kicking the stuffing out of me...but, slowly over the year, this is starting to stick. I solved a problem yesterday using byte-shifting and it felt, like, right-on brother.
One thing that I value is a nice quiet private life (but with a loud, noisy inner Sci-Fi/Fantasy life filled with strife, blades, laser fire, and poison grenade rain). I will do what is necessary to post facebook page for the game, email administrators of game sites and create youtube videos, etc.
What I have ZERO interest in is creating some sort of "public persona" -- either to sell myself, or the game. I want the game to sell itself by having a "product presence" alone. With some sort of "indie dev dude behind it". That's it. No interviews, puleez, except as an avatar for the game, or the game add-on/follow-up.
The hands on game demo and gameplay video should prove themselves.
*I* (the personal pronoun and cult of personality nonsense) should not come into it. Is this possible to remain anonymous, or do I really need to do a kickstarter video series production as a geek comic-superhero dude that wants to rock your world with this game blah blah blah oh please I'm going to hurl...