I am working on a UDP client/server setup with boost::asio at the moment. I've got some basic ack&reliability system in place and tested a connection over the internet yesterday for the first time (instead of running on ports on the same machine...). There's only chat, sending of input and syncing of a constant number of game objects so far.
Against my expectations, everything is working pretty nicely already. Latency was around 120 ms. I guess that's ok, given I'm not running an actual server, just two ordinary PCs. I just check on the local machine, how long it takes until I get an (immediate) reply for a sent packet.
Now I'm wondering if there's a way to split this ping into send/receive-travel times. I mean most of the time, I want to know how old a packet is that was sent one-way, like a server-snapshot/update.
I could just compare simulation times for that, if they are running synchronously. But the way I see it, the only way to sync timers on two machines is by knowing how long a message is underway in ONE direction.
Any advice?