
Looking for someone to help me start out

Started by August 17, 2014 08:22 AM
4 comments, last by Adam Moore 10 years, 4 months ago

Hey everybody,

I started modelling cars in SketchUp and made the car tutorial game for Unity 3D, and I decided I'd really like to make a car game (no matter how terrible it is, as long as it works) for our real life auto shop. I can't however find a good terrain that resembles maybe a (small) city or town, the very best would be if it would somehow look kinda like Los Angeles or a city/town with a nice small beach or just something that has a highway for some police chase scenes. Maybe anyone knows where to get such a thing or maybe even still has something like it they'd like to share with me? That's simply be great, after looking for 2 - 3 days to find something I've come up with nothing, I made something small in CityScape but it doesn't seem to carry over well to Unity 3D.

Many thanks in advance!

Maybe anyone knows where to get [a good terrain that resembles maybe a (small) city or town] or maybe even still has something like it they'd like to share with me?

This is not a Game Design question. I don't know if it even belongs in Visual Arts, but that seems more like where this would get a good answer, so that's where I'm moving it. However, the subject line of this post is problematic - it sounds like the OP is recruiting people, and we don't permit recruiting in these discussion forums.

-- Tom Sloper --

Since you've already demonstrated resourcefulness when you modeled your cars in SketchUp, you should insist on also modeling your own environment.
This way you'll become much more independent, nothing would stop you from geting the assets that you need.

If you add Blender to your arsenal, which is a free package for working with 3D graphics, you can start making roads like this:


I'm sure that there are other resources on joining that road with a terrain or city mesh that resembles the general area of your auto shop. You'll most likely find this information indirectly, within related Blender tutorials.

Check out this site.

Looking for Java coder (smartfox) and 2D UI Artists for my Island Troll Tribes stand alone game: Here

Many thanks, guys!

Since you've already demonstrated resourcefulness when you modeled your cars in SketchUp, you should insist on also modeling your own environment.
This way you'll become much more independent, nothing would stop you from geting the assets that you need.

If you add Blender to your arsenal, which is a free package for working with 3D graphics, you can start making roads like this:



I'm sure that there are other resources on joining that road with a terrain or city mesh that resembles the general area of your auto shop. You'll most likely find this information indirectly, within related Blender tutorials.

And that's just what I did, so far it all still looks and feels horrible but it's certainly a start, many thanks again!

It looks like what you're in need of is some variety to break up the monotony of the environment. Highways and streets tend to be boring without a lot of interesting buildings, vehicles, and people. It can also be hard to create the illusion of speed without landmarks passing the player by.

Compare your video with the following

In Mario Kart 8, the camera is placed low to the ground to enhance the illusion of speed. Lines can be seen drawn at the camera's periphery and the visuals are blurred slightly when hitting a boost.

This is also an area where we can turn to film to get advice, such as What makes a good chase scene?

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