
Next Generation OpenGL

Started by August 11, 2014 03:37 PM
75 comments, last by Sik_the_hedgehog 10 years ago

In fact drivers are why I'd be wary about an update every 6 months; Intel are behind, AMD tend to lag, in reality it would be NV releasing up date and even their quality has been dropping a bit of late.

of late ?, the nvidia drivers have been my main cause for blue screens, kernel panics, crashes and in win7/8 graphics driver restarts for the past 10+ years, its pretty much at the point where i'm very reluctant to update my nvidia drivers on a system where they appear to be working properly (as that seems to be pretty darn rare)
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Well, I was talking specifically of the OpenGL implementation which was a high bar for quality (the occasional 'our way' quirk aside) but now comes with its own set of fun-not-quite-standard problems.

(edit:tbh, I am going somewhat on anecdotal information as I've not had an NV card since 2008 and I've not written any GL code for a little longer than that... I nearly did recently... so nearly... heh)

My suspicion had been that it was NVIDIA killed it, primarily because they had the best OpenGL implementation in consumer-land and may have been disinclined to throw it out and start again. It also seems consistent with their attitude towards GL3.x+ deprecation.

I suppose you're talking about their "always use a compatibility profile" nonsense that they still recommend?

In short, Khronos are creating a new next generation graphics library...

So basically are they creating OpenCL?

Epic error. The CL API is on its second iteration, it already has something here and there we could debate about but it's long steps ahead of GL. The best thing they could do is

  • Have GL badly killed.
  • Graphics functionality added to CL as either native kernels or extensions - no need for a new API.
  • Only pull ahead ES and WebGL.

Previously "Krohm"

You should never forget that Khronos is a committee of committees. As such, anything it produces is going to have all the hallmarks of something designed by committee. Mostly, it will never leave you without something to complain about.

There will be lots of complaints and whining afterwards. Not all because of Khronos, though. A lot of people seem to have some very odd/impractical hopes and expectations about this.

There's always going to be people complaining and whining. If Khronos don't do anything, then people will complain that they're not doing anything. If they do something, then people will probably complain they didn't do it right :P


You should never forget that Khronos is a committee of committees. As such, anything it produces is going to have all the hallmarks of something designed by committee. Mostly, it will never leave you without something to complain about.

There will be lots of complaints and whining afterwards. Not all because of Khronos, though. A lot of people seem to have some very odd/impractical hopes and expectations about this.

Impractical perhaps, but not odd, given the glowing PR coming from Khronos' mouth itself. Personally, I'm just expecting this to be Longs Peak 2: Son of Longs Peak. I'll believe something else when I see it, which going off of past history is somewhere between never and nevermore.

There will be lots of complaints and whining afterwards. Not all because of Khronos, though. A lot of people seem to have some very odd/impractical hopes and expectations about this.

I hope they implement my glHalfLife3f() suggestions!

And so the plot thickens tongue.png AMD have provided Khronos complete access to the Mantle API so it'll be interesting to see where they go from there.

Mantle has always been designed as a cross-platform, cross-vendor standard (not some AMD-specific thing, like CUDA/etc), plus lots of developers already have access to it (myself included), so it makes sense for them to let Khronos in to the beta too biggrin.png

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