
Next Generation OpenGL

Started by August 11, 2014 03:37 PM
75 comments, last by Sik_the_hedgehog 10 years ago

The problem with this though, is if vendor X has some new feature which their hardware supports, then how can that be exposed?
I think the point is that allowing vendor specific extensions allows for vendors to go "out in a tangent" too much, which could hamper standardization of such extensions in the future.

ie, if you let the hardware vendor travel its way for a while, down the road it will cost you more to try bring it back to the main path.

Allowing vendor extensions is great, as long as the committee has the discipline to maintain everyone playing for the same team. Apparently it wasn't the case back in OpenGL 2, neither was in Longs Peak.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Keep in mind what happened in D3D9 where there was no extension mechanism -- there's still vendor-specific extensions!

You ended up doing things like device->SetRenderState( 'AMD!', 'COOL' ) to activate driver-specific magic hidden features...


Can you really call it a "reference card" if it's 13 pages long? tongue.png

The CAD crowd weren't too interested in the suggested new features that made OpenGL more suitable for game developers and maintaining backward compatibility for them caused many of the problems in the Longs Peak era.

Word is that - despite what was put-out at the time - Longs Peak wasn't actually killed by the CAD crew.

It wasn't.

At the time the whole OpenGL3.0 explosion was happening I had a short PM conversation with someone who had been very deeply involved in Longs Peak and he confirmed to me that the CAD companies had nothing to do with it. He never said who did, and I didn't push the issue because I dare say he wouldn't have said, but I have no reason to doubt him on that matter. (He was just as upset as the rest of us about the change but with the added enjoyment of having watched all his hard work go to the wayside.)

My own personal feeling, based on who was on the ARB at the time is that it might have fallen foul of Blizzard (who were just starting to throw out OSX versions of things like WoW), Apple or maybe Intel who didn't have an up to snuff existing OpenGL driver. Maybe internal politics at one of the IHVs also killed it late game.

Chances are we'll never known the full story, but like OpenGL2.0 before it, internal politics of the ARB killed it.

My suspicion had been that it was NVIDIA killed it, primarily because they had the best OpenGL implementation in consumer-land and may have been disinclined to throw it out and start again. It also seems consistent with their attitude towards GL3.x+ deprecation.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

We should hear more tomorrow:


And that's probably on top of my personal wish-list for Next Gen GL: kill off vendor-specific extensions. If we're going to have extensions at all, start them at EXT and require two or more vendors to implement them before shipping in public drivers; promote to ARB at the appropriate time.

That's kind of like putting the cart before the horse; it's not the features of OpenGL that moves hardware forward, it's the hardware that moves OpenGL forward. For this to be possible, those who are interested in the new features need to be able to try them out. That there is an established extension mechanism instead of everyone doing it in an ad-hoc way is good.

I'm not sure what you would supposedly gain by dropping vendor extensions? It's not like they can be used by mistake. Just pretend they don't exist and you already have the top of your wish list settled.

That's kind of like putting the cart before the horse; it's not the features of OpenGL that moves hardware forward, it's the hardware that moves OpenGL forward. For this to be possible, those who are interested in the new features need to be able to try them out. That there is an established extension mechanism instead of everyone doing it in an ad-hoc way is good.

That's the ideal world scenario.

The real world scenario - and we just need to look back at OpenGL history with buffer objects and low-level shading - is that vendor extensions just mean that each vendor ends up implementing it's own extension that's not necessarily compatible with, or even remotely similar to, other vendors'. I.e. in practical terms it's effectively identical to "everyone doing it in an ad-hoc way".

I think the point is that allowing vendor specific extensions allows for vendors to go "out in a tangent" too much, which could hamper standardization of such extensions in the future.

Yes, this, but also the fact that these tangents are not necessarily even the same. Vendor A may go off on tangent X, meanwhile vendor B goes off on tangent Y, and when time comes to pull X and Y back into a standardized ARB extension it just hampers the whole standardization process and we get two+ years of a committee doing what committees do best.

In practical terms, vendor extensions are really good for one target audience only: those who want to write techdemos that target one hardware generation from one vendor only. In a shipping application that is going to be used by real end-users with a variety of different hardware, you almost certainly want a single standardized code-path to take, and you almost certainly prefer that vendors invest time and effort in making that code-path as robust and efficient as possible.

The recent OpenGL evolution of a new minor version each year with a major version bump reflecting (roughly) a new generation of hardware is a good move in the right direction but I don't think the minor version bump is happening often enough. Every 6 months would be more like it, especially given the pace at which hardware evolves these days.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

In practical terms, vendor extensions are really good for one target audience only: those who want to write techdemos that target one hardware generation from one vendor only. In a shipping application that is going to be used by real end-users with a variety of different hardware, you almost certainly want a single standardized code-path to take, and you almost certainly prefer that vendors invest time and effort in making that code-path as robust and efficient as possible.

They are mostly just good for tech demos and people who can afford the luxury of / have no option but targeting specific hardware, yes. And you want to take this away from these people why again?

Just pretend they don't exist and you have the same result as if your wish came true.

The recent OpenGL evolution of a new minor version each year with a major version bump reflecting (roughly) a new generation of hardware is a good move in the right direction but I don't think the minor version bump is happening often enough. Every 6 months would be more like it, especially given the pace at which hardware evolves these days.

Maybe a couple of years ago this would have been true but things have settled down a bit again, I don't see any massive jumps on the horizon so I'm not sure throwing out smaller updates more frequently is all that useful.

Maybe in the mobile world, as things are still moving at a higher pace, but that tends to be a mine field of half implemented drivers anyway so I'm not sure that throwing out an update is going to help.

In fact drivers are why I'd be wary about an update every 6 months; Intel are behind, AMD tend to lag, in reality it would be NV releasing up date and even their quality has been dropping a bit of late.

However until we know what the new API looks like talk of updates and extensions might be moot anyway as without vendor specific functionality being applied with a suitable API there would be nothing really to add; the basics of device, command buffer and command queue largely cover everything and anything it doesn't cover would start to slip into vendor specific land.

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