
"unofficial" programmer rant thread

Started by August 04, 2014 07:05 PM
68 comments, last by wintertime 10 years, 1 month ago

configuring everything is a goddamn nightmare
Hell, I'm fucking annoyed at anything that requires too much configuration.

Maven? Fucking nightmare! All the dependencies, and installs, and builds, and XML files, and setting the projects, and downloading, and... pisses me off. Specially since I can work out things in a much more simpler way by just linking "User Libraries" with Eclipse. Seriously.

JPA? Also mighty annoying. 3 or 4 hours of back and forth just so I can launch Eclipse's wizard so it generates class files from a schema. I don't even want to know how it would be like to do the annotations by hand (it probably is one of the definitions of masochism).

Databases are the same, some a bit more sane than others.

Web stuff is the pinnacle of configuration madness.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Just transitioned to a new contract job.

After a week of setup, installs, configurations, local builds, changing the options and then rebuilding everything, etc., we finally reached the point where I can play their stupid software.

I agree, there was much less complexity back then. Tools were often harder to use but because they were so much simpler the difficulty was easy to manage.

There was a certain charm 30 years ago to the prompt to take out one floppy and replace it with the floppy containing the compiler. Or the joy of getting a second floppy drive so you could keep both disks in at once. Then later, you could by a massive 8MB hard drive.

Other times data was just kept on tape. Really, a simple cheap Radio Shack tape recorder, with headphone a headphone jack and a mic jack where the audio was basically a 150 baud modem whistling onto a cassette tape and overwriting your sister's music.

I miss some aspects of that old era. Things were absolutely much simpler back then.

Android is The Worst.

The tools are shit.
Java is shit.
JNI is shit.
The native docs are shit.
The lack of standardization and reliability between devices is shit. ("I support OpenGL|ES 3... oh that function? I don't support that function, but I'll just print a message to the logs... carry on..")

In the five months I've been doing Android stuff I've reached the point where I'd sooner buy an Apple product than another Android device and I use to hate Apple on principle.

"But Phantom", you might say, "what about..." and I'd just get up in your face and yell "It is shit. Don't even try to argue.".

I'm currently working on attempting to focus this building sense of rage to break space-time and allow me to travel back in time where, Terminator style, I will hunt down those who created this abomination and horrible situation and murder them. Slowly.

If you think Android dev is in some way 'good' then seek medical help; you've clearly taken a blow to the head recently and could be suffering bleeding on the brain or something.

It's all shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.....

Oh, and I thought it was only me. I'm probably writing a journal entry about my "adventures" with the Android SDK. How to get it setup and work with it.

Heavens, they should be ashamed of naming that SDK.

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

It's all shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.....
What did you said? I think it wasn't clear enough... you're saying that Android... isn't very good? That it has some slight issues? You might wan't to be more clear on that point, you don't seem to have made up your mind about it.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

It's not the best.

A poem:

F*** Browsers.

F*** IE.

F*** Firefox.

F*** Google Chrome.

F*** Mobile Browsers.

F*** HTML5.

F*** JavaScript.

F*** CSS.

F*** You.

EDIT: With F*** meaning Fix, of course. tongue.png

Maven? Fucking nightmare! All the dependencies, and installs, and builds, and XML files, and setting the projects, and downloading, and... pisses me off. Specially since I can work out things in a much more simpler way by just linking "User Libraries" with Eclipse. Seriously.

One word: Gradle.

I dropped the gradle binary and a 15 line gradle makefile into my repository, and it all just built (it even went out and downloaded the necessary 3rd-party plugins from the server). Rarely have I seen a build system so seamless.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

If I had one personal rant to post it would be about over-engineered code where you can't even know what the freakin class does because the code is spread in its bajillion parent-classes.

Oh and Microsoft COM architecture… on Linux. :(

I'm not targeting developers. Think 14 year old kids who don't know how to program.

Then why in the name of all that is holy are you using C++? Start with python or ruby or something sane.

'modern' Web Development is the fucking worst.

Having just started doing some of this work I agree with you. The actual development isn't too bad, but configuring everything is a goddamn nightmare

Lots of people who want to learn programming want to make games. And they want to use C++ because that's what all the "real" games use. It is a challenge to teach game programming and C++ to a beginner, but I think I can do it. C++ was the language all of us old guys learned to program with. There wasn't anything easy to start with. I may be crazy, but I can get a lot of people along for the ride.

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
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