Hey guys,
I'm in the process of working out my math library, and so I was testing out a function that returns the angle between two quaternions..
{ return 2.0f * acos( Abs( Dot4( qa, qb ) ) ); }
.. but for some reason, I'm either getting a lot of floating point error in the result, or I'm not checking for a situation that I should be. While testing a quaternion (which was generated by a random axis+angle rotation and appears to be very close to normalized)..
{ x=0.0172970667 y=-0.0245058369 z=0.0205858145, w=-0.999337912 }
.. with itself, I'm getting a result angle of 0.00138106791 (or almost 0.1 degrees)..
I'm just wondering if this is acceptable error when working with float variables? And is there anything I can do to improve this issue other than switching to double type or something else as drastic?
edit note: After testing some more, the highest "error angle" I've been able to generate (through random axis-angles) is 0.001953125. And that was getting the angle (from itself) of a quaternion generated by the axis @ angle: { -0.833756,0.551120,-0.033417 @ 2.960138559341 } (quaternion result: { -0.830327,0.548853,-0.033279,0.090603 } )
Thank you