
How many develop cross platform?

Started by August 01, 2014 03:20 PM
15 comments, last by JohnnyCode 10 years, 1 month ago

One of my previous jobs I did porting, mainly from MacOS/iOS to PC/Surface/Windows Phone. What I took away from that was that if the underlying engine/code is relatively cross-platform, the device is the biggest problem. Things like form factors, controls, performance, device lock-down, shader support, etc. I would rather publish to just desktops (or just tablets, or just phones) rather than different devices running the same OS ecosystem. Some publishers don't take into account that the game would have been designed differently if targeted to a specific device and put out inferior ports.

We support iOS, Windows, Linux, Mac. iOS is the only platform we're going to ship on in the near future, as it's the platform where indies can actually make money. The plan is to think about the other platforms out there once some measure of iOS success has been achieved.

Plus at only half a dozen devices to test, it's a fairly gentle way to jump into the market. The other platforms are far rougher configuration-wise.

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Since I use Java for programming, iOS is obviously out of question for me. However, I wrote an ad-hoc game platform abstraction so that my app can run on desktop as well as android.

Space Zig-Zag, a casual game of skill for Android by

If this is only about mobile development the title (and post) should really make that clear. Even then, you should list WindowsPhone.

If I were writing a traditional desktop game, I'd probably target Windows only, unless it was trivial to support other platforms. Right now I'm running my same codebase on Windows and iOS which is surprisingly easy.

I have to say, after developing in C based languages for a while and using Xamarin studio, I don't think I will ever develop cross platform, their program just makes it so hard to do anything without paying for it.

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iOS is obviously out of question for me
Apparently RoboVM is the go-to tool for Java programmers who want to deploy in iOS too. Its LibGDX's backend for iOS applications for example.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator


I do not develop for any operation system or consoles. It is not a scam, I am being true. My providing platform is something totaly different. Gess

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