IF you are more interested in general game development than programming;
Decide on an Engine (Best take one that has a free version and is friendly to newbies), find good tutorials for beginners, and start playing around with it.
depending on what you want to achieve, how you learn best, either go 2D/3D (depending on that you need to choose the right engine), work methodically through tutorials, or just come up with your own ideas and try to achieve them.
Just be aware, even with an engine doing most of the grunt work for you, there are limits a single person can achieve (Even more a beginner):
- Without programming skills, you will only be able to achieve very limited game logic (for example by using ready to used 3rd party modules, using copy-pasta code from the internet or by using the visual scripting capabilities of some engines)
- Without serious programming skills, forget about networking for now (there are 3rd party modules for that, but AFAIK, all of them need SERIOUS "glue code" (what maps the networking functions to you game logic) to work really)
- Without good 3D modelling skills, your 3D Model options are limited to stock models, free or not (but there are a lot of them around, so a good way to get started quickly, just of varying quality and style)
- Without 2D Drawing skills, the same holds true for 2D Assets.
Start small, and prepare for a mutli-year long journey before you have the skills needed to create anything bigger.
IF you want to become a serious game programmer or write your own engine:
Ignore my comments, and wait for someone other than me to respond ;)