A 4X game. There are 100 planets, 50 are inhabited by various aliens (at the start of the game), player start at one of these planets and want to assimilate various aliens into the empire.
That's the ideal scenario, but I have with it problems. For example, since there are 50 inhabited planets that are independent the natural assumption that there is a separate race living in each of these (so 50 alien races). Which brings problems like the need to make 50 separate graphics for these aliens. But even if there were no technical problems (which could be overcame) there is still a problem with the player's brain capacity. If there are 50 alien races... the player will simply be unable to remember/grasp them! It's way too much.
I don't know how to bite it, on one hand I like mthe multi racial empire concept on the other I can't see it working... Note I'm willing tro change some assumptions if needed.
At the moment I lean toward making all these planets inhabited by one race (Terrans), so it's simply a single race in the galaxy that is divided and the player try to unify them into one empire (and there are evil aliens that disrupt it). So no multi racial...