
making a game

Started by July 24, 2014 02:46 PM
8 comments, last by zebrakiller 10 years, 7 months ago
Yeah so im planning to make an rpg game for the android.

The battle is mostly turn based but im to use ai forsome battles that way the player can just head through the area that he wanted and go to the exciting part of the quest.

But during the stage if he wants to do it there will be a calculated menu of jow many fights he will get into and he can decide his actions before hand. Like heal if he is 60% at health. and warn him if he does not have enough pots.

The main draw will be the gameplay which when a character levels up and the story will be based on their progression.

At the start of a chapter the player will be hiven about 3 or 5 tickets onwhocb he/she can decide how they will spend it. The ticket is consumed after going to the plot item,boss or by quitting.

Tickets can be spend on to go for a story progressing quest which will vary per choice.

I will call the choices arcs and each will have different results. An example is if you try to get the smith art you need to get the quest for gathering materials but it will also give you an option to be an alchemist to make healimg items.

Also im planning

At the start of a chapter the player will be hiven about 3 or 5 tickets

What's a "ticket" in your game? Does calling it a ticket have something to do with the story or setting?

Also im planning

Think you may have prematurely posted. It happens to all of us. What are you also planning?

Indie games are what indie movies were in the early 90s -- half-baked, poorly executed wastes of time that will quickly fall out of fashion. Now go make Minecraft with wizards and watch the dozen or so remakes of Reservior Dogs.

Ticket is like the energy needed to do a quest that refills per day.

I call it a ticket since you will be awarded of special tickets after doing certain quest.

they will record your progress and you will have to submit them to get evaluated and get the extra rewards.

I call them tickets because of costumer supports. Haha

Like a ticket to train gathering, passive bonuses and other stuff.

Getting enough skills will enable you to get other jobs. As for purpose and story for example you are a smith. You will be task to make weapons and open a new section like either to try and make an armor for a certain npc or help make weapons to improve the kingdom.

By planning, i want to submit it to a company for consideration and funding.

Why don't you look at this:

Until you can come up with something every bit as compelling, well presented, and detailed for your own game, this:

i want to submit it to a company for consideration and funding.

will never happen.

Best of luck!

Indie games are what indie movies were in the early 90s -- half-baked, poorly executed wastes of time that will quickly fall out of fashion. Now go make Minecraft with wizards and watch the dozen or so remakes of Reservior Dogs.

Thanks for the link. I have seen a gdd before and thats what motivated me.

I can write it using a gdd sample.

I can also write the story and things like skill effects.

And for the company, i talked to someone and they ask for me to find a team in order to present the game.

They didnt say what kind of program to use so im hoping you guys could help me with what should i do. :)

And for the company, i talked to someone and they ask for me to find a team in order to present the game.

They didnt say what kind of program to use so im hoping you guys could help me with what should i do.

I don't believe any part of the above. You want to submit it for funding, you have a company that asked you to form a team... it doesn't mesh.

If you CAN write the GDD, you SHOULD write it now... completely. Then you'll have a better sense of how to proceed and what needs done (assets, etc.).

Indie games are what indie movies were in the early 90s -- half-baked, poorly executed wastes of time that will quickly fall out of fashion. Now go make Minecraft with wizards and watch the dozen or so remakes of Reservior Dogs.

Yeah i wanted to present the core of the game then have them add better looking characters. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

So i probably need an artist and someone who can make the program.

Omega usually means the last or the end, sometimes even the ultimate. Just thought I'd throw some Greek into the mix.

Indie games are what indie movies were in the early 90s -- half-baked, poorly executed wastes of time that will quickly fall out of fashion. Now go make Minecraft with wizards and watch the dozen or so remakes of Reservior Dogs.

And for the company, i talked to someone and they ask for me to find a team in order to present the game.

They didnt say what kind of program to use so im hoping you guys could help me with what should i do.

You should read these:

By the way, if this is the primary purpose of your post, it's off-topic in the Game Design forum. I'm assuming that's the case, and I'm moving this to the appropriate forum. If you want to get feedback on your game design, post a new topic in Game Design, and ask focused questions about your game's design.

-- Tom Sloper --

Think you may have prematurely posted. It happens to all of us. What are you also planning?

lol omg too funny

Looking for Java coder (smartfox) and 2D UI Artists for my Island Troll Tribes stand alone game: Here

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