I'm trying to build a GUI system for my game engine, but I need a default font. I've looked all around, but anything I can find is either not licensed for redistribution, or it requires a file to be included alongside it, which is impossible because it's going to be hardcoded into the engine and loaded from a char array. The only reason it's there is so that you can see things on the screen, and also recognize when you've forgotten to set a font (sorta like having a pink default material). So it doesn't really matter how ugly it is, as long as it's completely public domain with no requirements for readme files to be placed alongside the font.
Public domain fonts for redistribution?
A quick search turned up this page, and this font, which appear to be public domain. Hope that helps! :)
- Jason Astle-Adams
Might help
A web with web fonts is more beautiful, readable, accessible and open.
Google Fonts makes it quick and easy for everyone to use web fonts, including professional designers and developers. We believe that everyone should be able to bring quality typography to their web pages and applications.
Our goal is to create a directory of web fonts for the world to use. Our API service makes it easy to add Google Fonts to a website in seconds. The service runs on Google's servers which are fast, reliable and tested. Google provides this service free of charge.
Open Source FontsAll of the fonts are Open Source. This means that you are free to share your favorites with friends and colleagues. You can even customize them for your own use, or collaborate with the original designer to improve them. And you can use them in every way you want, privately or commercially — in print, on your computer, or in your websites.
We are working with designers around the world to publish quality typeface designs that are made for the web. If you are a type designer and would like to discuss this, please get in touch.
Many of Google's own web pages are already using Google Fonts, such as Google's About page and Google's World Wonders Project which use Open Sans.
— The Google Fonts Team
Open Game Art has some fonts, including public domain (CC0) ones.
Licences like CC-BY should be fine for you too (it means you need to attribute the author, e.g., in the documentation or source, doesn't need to be "alongside the font" if you're no longer storing the font in its own image file).
http://erebusrpg.sourceforge.net/ - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android
http://conquests.sourceforge.net/ - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux