There are quite a few topics about this already, so my first suggestion is to go through the beginner's forum and read topics that seem interesting.
There are various tools that you can use to make games. Some of them require you to program most things yourself, others do more for you. Since you don't know anything about programming, it might be good to start with something that requires as little programming as possible. I don't have a list of those, the closest one I know is Game Maker, with which you can make a simple 2D game with little actual programming. It has decent tutorial videos, if I remember correctly.
Which tools you choose depends on your goals. What kind of games do you ultimately want to make? Do you want to learn to program?
Regardless of the ultimate goals, start small. Start with making Pong, Tic Tac Toe, Tetris, Breakout, ... Simple games will allow you to focus on what it takes to make a game and will help you to get to know the tools that you chose.