I am not sure what is your problem.
If you want to move object to specific location:
1. (opt) rotate it to face target location
targetLocation = Path[currNodeInx].node_pos
objectPos += (targetLocation - objectPos).normalize() * moveSpeed
3. test if reached destination and increment path index:
minimumDist = 0.1 // minimum dist to target to consider it has reached its current destination
minimumDistSq = minimumDist*minimumDist // squared
if((targetLocation - objectPos).lengthSq() < minimumDistSq)
currNodeInx++ // or decrement if you want to go back, or wrap around so it will loop thru the path
4. you can add something like weight to Path to modify moveSpeed so object will move slower/faster
targetLocation = Path[currNodeInx].node_pos
objectPos += (targetLocation - objectPos).normalize() * moveSpeed * Path[currNodeInx].weight