I have a ww2 naval pirate game that im tempted to move into a scifi setting for more freedom (gameplay- and contentwise). Problem is the gameworld will be too open. Game consists of travelling and visiting stations/towns on "the map" and combat in a seperate screen once you engage someone on the map
In ww2 this worked fine, you travel on the seas of Earth and visit cities etc. Islands and continents are there, which makes travelling fun.
But in a "space setting", locations will just be dots with open space around them. Makes travelling a bit less engaging. Any ideas how to solve this?
Scale should be rather small. Locations to visit should be small outposts or stations, rather then whole planets. You and your crew of say 100 men should be able to influence and raid locations.
I could even keep using Earth, and use hoovercrafts or scifi (with shields and lasers ) "watercrafts" but im not sure i like this idea... (however i like the idea of real maps!)