Hi all
Before I start let me strees this is not a "is X lanuguage better than Y" or "whats better Windows or Linux" post.
Those that dont want to read my long post the question is in bold
I am brand new to programming, barring some basic at school 20 years ago, and doing as much research as I can before jumping in. I know my end goal is game development but I'm in no huge rush I know its a long road.
I've read a lot of posts about programming languages so I wont ask about that as I have a rough idea in my head as to the way I'll approach that. (starting with python and moving to C/C++)
My main question is reagrding the target/learning platform to work with. i.e. the OS
Again this is not a which is better post.
From lots of google searching and personal experience of playing far too many games I know Windows has been the main OS of choise for developers for a long time. With Valve and others throwing support to Linux it seems obvious there will be a lot of growth there.
A lot of the threads arguing about these OS's seem to come down to the tools people are used to vs learning something new. Now being that I'm at day one of my learning I dont have that issue as anything I learn will be new.
Am I best to just pick one and dive in or learn the languages on either and just not use OS specific tools such as VS so that at a later date I could work on either?
Thanks for taking the time to read all this.