There is a thread in which is an equation formula I believe is not true. I am very concerned (sure) it is not true and I would like to get oponing to prove me it is equal.
Thanks, origiinal thread is here but you do not need to look at it (just for curiosity)
I will begin:
It stemed originaly from formula
projection * (view * (model * position))=projection * view * model * position
the projection is a vector of 4 dimension and rest are matrices of 4x4 dimension.
I have narrowed it to
P*(V*(M*p))=P*V*M*p; where p is a vector matrix and P V M are multiplyable matricies
Now, I provide a proof that I will just copy paste here without modifications since it is very suficient
claim: P*V*M*p=P*(V*(M*p)) where p is a vector (a matrix of [x,1] / [1,x] dimensions) and P,V,M are mutiplyable matricies
a helping true algebraic statement:
P*V*M*p=p*M*V*P (becouse P*V*M=(M*V*P) T)
I will now show that the claim negate the true statement if the claim is to be true:
P*V*M*p=P*(V*(M*p)) => P*(V*(M*p))=((p*M)*V)*P
do you agree with P*(V*(M*p))=((p*M)*V)*P ? I just used associativity in the helping true statement, but it yeilds
P*V*(M*p)=(p*M)*V*P /*P-1*V-1
M*p=p*M transposed result
the claim would be right if p was not present, it would yield M=M
So the conclusion is that P*(V*(M*p)) equals to p*P*V*M and not to P*V*M*p
in words a column vector time M time V time P equals to row vector time transpose(M time V time P)
P*(V*(M*p)) = p*P*V*M
and this means
P*(V*(M*p)) =!= P*V*M*p
The following oponing I got I think is not negating any of my proof and I would like to show why
How is that even supposed to work? A matrix multiplication M1 * M2 is only defined if M1 is a (n x k) matrix and M2 is a (k x m) matrix. The result is then a (n x m) matrix. One side effect of this is that you can transpose M, V and P but the only place the vector (a (4 x 1) matrix) can be is at the right-most side. You could multiply it from the left as a row-vector p^T (a (1 x 4) matrix) but then you would have to test a row and column vector for equality, which just does not work.
yes it results in a n x m matrix, the reason that vector 1 x n inverses its majoring to n x 1 is becouse the n x m matrix transposes to m x n. Becouse m x n * n x 1 = m x 1 equals to(?!) 1 x n * n x k * k x m= 1 x n* n x m = 1 x m. Is not the situation there
I would cite now "but then you would have to test a row and column vector for equality, which just does not work.". I am comparing vectors of the same majoring (dimensions).
And I think the following oponing will help
notice your equations were missing the transpose bit that makes them true
The upper formula is true, while, this formula is as well
I think so becouse the following is true about the formula
(1 x n * n x k )T = k x n * n x 1 (oponable point) [Edit] Succesfully oponed, I am now aware that vectors cannot be examined for equality if they have different dimensions (though only order of those)
I will here bring the rule of matrix multiplications in case of conflict with why are the X and p matricies transposed and of oposite order, just becouse they changed order within multiply operator
I will enforce the oponable point by following true statement in linear algebra that equivalents (not just imply) my (oponable point)
(AB)T = BT AT = B A
this is true becouse if we take right equation to not equal with left one, then (BTAT)T =A B =!= ((AB)T)T
[EDIT] upper is nonsense steming from fact that a vector cannot be "premultiplied" (see nxk * kxm required condition to multiply matrix). while me thinking it can becaouse of v*A=AT*v formula accepting (which does not hold at all in mathematics).
That is why I rewrote
(1 x n * n x k )T = k x n * n x 1
becouse if it was (1 x n * n x k )T = n x k * 1 x n (only order changed, not pose) then
(X*p)T=pT*XT =!=p*X, what is true, would be (1 x n * n x k )T = k x n * n x 1 =!= n x k * 1 x n
that is why I have compared the matricies with same dimensions with only thanks to mul operation switch, without keepin the transpose relation, if I kept the tranpose relation, yes I would still compare matricies of same dimension.
thus by all this, to not fall for unrelation of AT BT = B A we can about the original formulas write
(P*V*M*p)T=pT*(P*V*M)T=p*(P*V*M) =!= (M*V*P)*p=P*(V*(M*p)));
becouse that would mean that
(AB)T = AT B
Conclusion is I believe I am compraing the same dimensional matricies in original proof, and also that the formulas are not true from purely mathematical definition of multiply operation between matricies and the T relation to it, which carries an exclusive point to relativly each other