what is most difficult in programming to you?
Algorithm? Topic? Language?
Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]
Most difficult what?
Algorithm? Topic? Language?
what you find a most dificcult (for you at this stage you doing things)
for me it would be probably two things
1) it is hard to hold a decent level of satisfaction from all my project state (some factors (some 'unperfections') low this satisfaction, and it is hard to keep it high)
2) creative aspect of things (force things to 'feel' good, for example even one separate bitmap font can feel good or not and it is hard to make all the things feel really fine [becouse to change something often you need to do quite heavy programming work in the background so it is not easy to just delete it and try something else)
Isn't now but was use singletons and global variables and follow the SRP.
The most difficult for me is Design and conforming to it (or try to make everyone on the team conform to it). I usually plan what general code architecture should be used for the project. And, usually, somewhere in the project I find a "better" design that I should have used. What happens is that I make compromises to the new and the old.
For me it's not starting the really important changes in my code base (3d engine) but instead doing a lot of little things that are also sort of necessary and useful.
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Most difficult things? Horrible documentation with the kidnapping of vowels by the Hungarian Mafia.
Direct3D 12 quick reference: https://github.com/alessiot89/D3D12QuickRef/
High-level architecture is a problem for me. I can make individual classes and functions, and do them nicely, but making everything fit together well is something I'm still learning.