Im currently working on a board game / turn based tactics game.
the gyst of it is each player has about 4 pieces (tokens) that can move around the board. Also each token can have up to 4 "inventory" items. Each turn the player will move each of his tokens once or use an inventory item. The inventory of each token is hidden to the other player, and in some instances to themselves (if a inventory item is stolen, the person who it was stolen from doesnt know it until they try to use it). the objective of the game can be different each game. sometimes its eliminate all enemy tokens, sometimes its to get a token to a certain square on a board.
Currently i have a very basic ai, it kind of works as more of a behaviorial tree (if enemy token is x squares away do this, stuff like that). I started reading about minimax and alpha beta pruning as it seems like a more robust way to make more advanced ai. I'd like to implement some kind of ai where it evaluates all its moves and possible outcomes and then make the best choices from there.
The main issue though is that from everything i read, the assumption is that both players have full knowledge of the board. I need a way for the ai to evaulate all possible moves without "cheating" and knowing what is in each tokens inventory.
Could anyone give me some pointers on how to do this? are there any notable games that implement this sort of thing that that has any kind of information about how they coded it?