code flow (order) here
SurfaceView extends View. All SurfaceView's instances are also Views, but more classes extend View, so it's not a 1:1. Any of the next classes are also Views:
AnalogClock, ImageView, KeyboardView, MediaRouteButton, ProgressBar, Space, SurfaceView, TextView, TextureView, ViewGroup, ViewStub
A View is a rectangular component that can display something and detects user input. SurfaceView extends a View, so it does the same things and more. It means a SurfaceView is also a rectangular component that can display something and detects user input, but it provides methods to manipulate what is being drawn.
Do you know about inheritance? It looks like you get lost in basic concepts every time. I'll keep recomending you to learn more concepts and more about Android before reading that code (or from any other finished game). You can learn all those stuff a lot quickier with tutorials and guides, it doesn't make sense you try to guess things. Code is not a puzzle or a riddle, it's not a mathematical problem or a logic problem that you can "decipher" or "solve", it's more like a recipe that the computer follows.
I come from say about 5 years in procedural c world so some ground basic concepts of android and of oop may be (and are) not presn in my knowledge but at least O got some ground up in "general procedular programming" so i got confuzed but hopefully not so heavy as absolute baginners
(you know what im saying)
This "logical puzzle" approach works quite good - you know i focus on enumerating things i dont know and on memorizing, trying to understand .. its not so bad..This is more ZEN way (as it is based on contemplation, wink ) but it somewhat works - now i understand much more with not losting, to much energy..
I will try to recapitulate the things to understand what is most unclear yet, but again need a little of time